Wearing It Again

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Aishwarya made an appearance (with father-in-law AB Sr.) at Shilpa’s reception wearing the same Abu Jani/Sandeep Khosla pink anarkali seen on her back in 2007 at an event in New York. The color looks great on her but those rhinestone patterns are still a turnoff. (or maybe I hate it more just because it brings back memories of a certain Ms. Balan from Filmfare Awards.)


Aishwarya Rai
Left: At Bachchan Sandhya in New York
Center and Right: at Shilpa Shetty Wedding Reception

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani, IdleBrain

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  1. ohh god just look at her didnt she had anything else to wear which wud have looked a little better??? the colour is toooo bright!!aishwarya i hate the dress n the same boring look on you!!

  2. She looks great, both times. I like how she wore bling but yet is toned down compared to so many of the other OTT blingy outfits at the reception. I liked only a few, maybe about 5-6 outfits, the rest hurt my eyes.

  3. This one is way better than that orange one of Vidya..even after being so similar..if you know what I mean 🙂 This one looks great and even it is blingy..that’s what we wear for weddings 😛

  4. mehh..its alright..ur right without the rhinestone patterns..this anarkali would be lovely.

    p.s. just curious..why is this post tagged as “Bachchan Sandhya”?

  5. Wow, she just looks like The Pink Pyramid….toooo much fabric, and WAY too much length – you can barely see the churidar! And the hair is flat, flat……
    Why does she do this to herself?

  6. Ughh my poor eyes. Never expected Ash to wear something so tacky. Granted she doesn’t have the best taste in the world but this is terrible.

  7. can’t believe that someone like ash has repeated an outfit ( that too such a hideous one) for such a big bollywood event….. come-on bahu rani …you need to loosen the purse strings a bit

      • TOTALLY AGREE HAHA lol when i saw this I was like WOW come on Aishwarya you couldn’t be just a little bit vain and buy a new outfit?! She’s either: 1.) not obsessed wth clothes and doesn’t care/wears whatever is at home which is kind of admirable in a way lol 2.) too cheap
        or my favourite theory:

        3.) didn’t want to compete with what she knew would be every other heroine in their shiniest best so she chose something that she’s already worn, thereby ensuring that whoever runs her photo will most likely include the previous time she wore it and so she is only compared to herself and no one else. Wow if that’s it… She’s smart!!!

  8. More than the dress it is the makeup that is bothering me. With such a bright, in-your-face colour she could at least have bothered to tone down the lipgloss and didn’t someone tell her poker straight hair is like so not in.

  9. I love the color on Ash…and she is wearing this for the 3 time…the 2nd time was at Kjo or someones party. Wish she had chosen something more grand. She is disappointing here! 🙁

  10. ha ha ha ha! what was she thinking!!!! she’s started looking so washed out and dated lately..see her in the new lux ad..she looks ghostly…er ghastly!!

    sweetie, you need more color in your cheeks..no amount of color in your kurta is gonna help.

  11. Why does she do this to herself??
    She has her entire PR machinery overworking to prove that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. . and when the time comes to prove that she does this .. why??
    The color -the design – the length all so wrong .. and on top of that her make-up and hair .. why does she cake on makeup like crazy at such events ?? the hair .. what’s that??
    Woman, you could have picked up a Sabyasachi and so rocked it !!
    But no, wedding=bling+garish makeup+bright color for most of our Bollywood!!

  12. I love that pink ! Its a beautiful color that’ll look great on various skin tones ! But there is too much of it. I don’t mind that pattern on the chest but on the sleeves they look bad. Plus they make a person look bigger and broader….Thee is enough fabric in there for that effect .

  13. She is looking bad here. She is one unattractive lady in B Town.
    I have seen the video and I was shocked to see her holding hands with Amitabh. I mean that is just disgusting.

    • First of all this is a fashion site so there should not be any comments on whether she should hold hands of her father in law or not!
      Second, what is wrong with that? My father in law treats me as her daughter and I treat him as my dad so I will hold his hands at times just like I do with my dad..tell me would you have objected if she was with her own dad! Com’n grow up and stop living in stone age!!

  14. The outfit is hideous – but ash never picks nice clothes, just goes to show even if you’re really, really pretty you can’t just wear any old sack and expect to look good!

  15. Goshh… how could she do that???,,, She has sooo much to choose from… why… did she.. had to wear this??,,,, No words for this… Damn Stupid!

  16. Oh what a disaster. That embroidery is horrible and the colour is so tacky! And why is she recycling something that’s clearly not timeless and understated? Ugh I can’t bear to look at it again.

  17. Shame she picked this again. I didn’t like it the first time round, and like it even less now. She could have picked something nicer and more appropriate for a wedding reception.

  18. Nothing wrong with holding hands with Paa. She has accepted them as her family , and Amitabh is her father in law. Hope the respect and love are true and will live on for ever.May God bless her with beautiful children.She will then remain a shining example of both a crazily successful career woman and wife and daughter. Ash, You Rock ,Strong woman!!!

  19. This has to be one of the ugliest outfits I have ever seen. It is utterly beyond me how someone can wear that thing and stand to look at themselves in the mirror let alone step out of the house. Ughhhhhhh!!!!!

    Somehow aside from generally having bad taste in clothing, Aishwarya saves her worst outfits for other people’s special occasions. At Zayed Khan’s wedding she turned up in a black lace sari and bikini top, at the birthday party of one of the Kapoor elders she wore satin negligee, and now this monstrosity at Shilpa’s reception. Is it that hard to find a pretty Indian outfit?

  20. hehehehe…i m amazed at hw A-N-Y post related 2 aishwarya gets d maximum response..n yet all negative..girls why waste ur enrgy at ll on her if you DONT like her???hw evrybody loves to hate her..:P

    • It’s probably because she / her PR have been so proclaiming that she is the most beautiful woman in the world .. So, everyone would want to see what ‘the most beautiful woman’ dresses up like .. And if you consider what she’s wearing here Or she’s worn all these years at Cannes .. you are bound to get negative comments …
      The problem with Ash fans is that they think she can do no wrong .. when clearly she’s proved it time n again that she doesn’t have a good taste when it comes to clothes .. One negative comment on her ATTIRE .. and they think its sacrilege.. that everybody hates her ..
      That’s not the case dear .. if you’re seeing maximum negative comments here it’s because her outfit is B-A-D .. not because we’re jealous or we hate her ..
      For more proof, just check out the comments on her Filmfare sari or this year’s Cannes appearances……….

      • I soooo agree akaa…you summed up my thoughts. When you have so much PR proclaiming her to be TMBWITW, it is extra shocking to see someone look this ghastly.

        I somehow feel that she has been told way too often that she is so beautiful that anything -absolutely anything- will look great on her. And she has taken that a little too far.

      • The reason people think you are jealous is because you can’t admit simple facts and skew things the wrong way. If you said things properly you wouldn’t look jealous. For example if you had just admitted that people actually think she is the “most beautiful woman in the world” you wouldn’t look that jealous but when you come out and act as if its SOLELY her and HER PR claiming that then of course ppl are gona think you’re jealous because you can’t accept the facts. I’m not saying she is “tmbwitw” mind you.. I’m just saying that other people have called her that. If all it took was someone’s PR management to have so many people think you were the most beautiful than many women celebrities would have done that by now. As far as I know only two women have really gotten that tag attached to them… Angelina Jolie and Aishwarya Rai. Everyone else tops a list every now and then but the tag doesn’t really get attached. That being said I think it was v. smart of Ash to wear a repeat to such a big event.. it ensures that she gets compared to her previous picture in the outfit.. and also makes it appear as if she’s not trying too hard which kind of makes you cooler than everyone else there. That being said, I don’t like this outfit at all.. but I think it’s a smart move made by her.

  21. Sharin you’re nuts. Rai is painfully overrated and many wise people are simply mystified by all the hype surrounding this uninspired woman. Simple as that.

      • lol I’m sure many wise people are mystified by the hype and I don’t deny that there is a lot of hype.. but all I’m saying is that people do find her beautiful.. not just her PR committee lol and it’s silly when people can’t admit that some people actually do think she’s one of the “most beautiful” and can only say “oh it’s just her PR doing a good job” …


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