In Anand Kabra

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Wearing an Anand Kabra dress, Vidya was photographed on the sets of a television show where she was promoting her upcoming movie. Gold-tone accessories from Viange and grey pumps finished out her look.

Love the rich bordeaux color of the dress on her but really, really dislike the sister-wife hair. On paper, the dress should’ve worked on Vidya but the look somehow fails to come together just right. Let’s just chalk this one out to a Not Quite.

Vidya Balan In Anand Kabra At Shaadi Ke Side Effects Promotions-1

Vidya Balan At Shaadi Ke Side Effects Promotions

Vidya Balan In Anand Kabra At Shaadi Ke Side Effects Promotions-2

Vidya Balan At Shaadi Ke Side Effects Promotions

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. This is def WTHeyyy in my opinion. Atrocious dress, absolutely does nothing for Vidya! I almost wish she would go back to wearing her Sabyasachi saris. Complete fail on the stylist’s part.

  2. Whoever is her stylist needs to be fired.

    Why can’t Vidya wear a well-fitted long gown and keep it clean and simple? She doesn’t need to add more girth and weight with all these crazy designs and excess fabric in weird prints.

  3. Ok while I sort of agree about the dress part of it is the lack of comfort and confidence. Regardless of body size or the dress itself confidence really adds a lot to any look. She isn’t very comfortable in it and it’s apparent. Look at the garbage worn in the many of the posts and yet the confidence of the wearer takes it up a notch.

      • “This is what she was and always will look without a sabya. Disaster !”
        Beg to disagree. Sateen fabric is the problem & the pin-up hair just didn’t work out well. She will find her foot with the help of a real stylist, not a wannabe.
        No need for her to hide behind the tent-like saris & anarkalis that Sabya always gives her.
        Her curves will work really well in western gear too, with proper styling.
        Can we stop with the bodyshaming, please.

  4. I think Vidya has had a fallout with Sabya as we haven’t seen her wear Sabya at all ever since Cannes. And though repetitive atleast it was aesthetic and worked for her body type. This is plain ridiculous. Her stylist needs to be fired pronto for doing this to her. Vidya has accepted many times that she doesn’t have a sense for fashion. I can’t believe her stylist can’t see how big this is making her look.

    • Yes, Sabya was WRONG for putting her in the dowdiest outfits he could find, & that @
      Cannes! Smh
      He has so many lovely modern looks, they would have worked for her. This shows the difference between a designer & a (good) stylist. She needs someone good & well- versed in Bollywood & current fashion trends, who KNOWS what proportions are. Pernia Q would be perfect for this role. Or Ami Patel.

  5. Vidya seriously needs to reach out to Kate Winslet’s and Nigella Lawson’s stylists, to learn how to dress for a curvaceous body shape and look awesome.

  6. I have been following your site regularly and have shuddered at some of the clothes worn by Bollywood stars but never commented on them. But looking at Vidhya this time I just had to since the visual shock was too much to bear. Is Vidya intentionally trying to prove that she does not care about how she looks or is this accidental? Forget having a stylist or not, does she have a mirror in the house? Why is she insisting on making herself look like a “joker” instead of the lovely woman she is? We all love her natural attitude but that does not mean she can make embarrassing appearances so that her fans cringe when they see her. Wear any designer you like Vidya, but please choose them as sensibly as you select your roles. Also please learn to stand properly if you want to wear dresses. The simple basis of dress sense is to hide your flaws and highlight your plus points. You are the role model we adore and want to follow.

  7. oh no! just no no no!
    there has to some sort of conspiracy going on against this extremely attractive and intelligent woman. why are they doing this to her???

  8. This is the worst I’ve ever seen Vidya look, and that includes her Mirinda orange shiny AJSK anarkali. This is just hideously unflattering. Vidya isn’t a space alien, why do her stylists dress her as if she is a. 80 years old and b. incomprehensibly shaped? If you can only dress Sonam Kapoor or DP who are a gazillion feet tall and athletic, then there’s no logic in calling yourself a stylist.

  9. Vidya Balan is a hot woman!! She has a sexy voluptuous body. She should do a lil bit of skin show of her cleavage and all. She can easily beat Kardashian sisters with her curves!! Come on Vids!! I wish I had a body *curves* like you.. Sigh!

  10. What is a sister wife? sounds like a punjabi gaali :-). i’m missing seeing vidya in her rich traditional saris. i’d love to see her in a black sari with a gold border. she won’t look like a fashionista but at least she’ll look allright.

  11. Ugh why??? She is such a beautiful woman with a strong personality. Her clothes should do her justice. The shoes are passable, but for the rest…I have no words.

  12. I dislike the hair but less than the “sister-wife” comment you guys made. It feels like you’re trying your level best to sound snappy but just end up coming across as condescending and a tad pretentious. Just for the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being or looking like you’re a wife or sister.

  13. I know she doesn’t get fashion…No one is asking her to be Sonam Kapoor…But if she reads this, she should try blazers over trousers/skirts..I think that will make her look very chic and classy and play around with some colors and pearls.

  14. I agree that she does not look good but calling someone an aunty clown is just plain vicious! P&P, I hope you will moderate such comments in the future! @ Adaraa, if you do not have good things to say about one’s clothes, so be it; please refrain from commenting about the person!

    • +1, that particular comment is really nasty. It’s a public platform and we must voice our opinions in a manner suitable to public discussion. She is no aunty and she is no clown. She is a super talented actress and a powerhouse performer. She isn’t in the industry to appease us with her dressing sense. She is there to act well and she does it marvelously.

      • Err. The last i checked this page was still a fashion blog not who does good acting blog. So she acts well and so does so many people who are never even featured on this page. I comment based on the look here and if you aren’t aware, yes, everyone has their damn right to comment within the “rules” of HHC. I never understood the need to get up the panties in bunches for the first sight of aunty. Jeez. Take a break peeps!


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