
Comment image 78


Coming on here to check in with y’all and to drop a quick note with an update!

Eagle-eyed among you might have noticed my complete absence from these pages lately. After much deliberation, I have decided this is the end of the road for me as far as this blog goes.

More than a decade later, I can honestly say, boy it’s been quite the journey! Having started in 2007, we’ve seen the Indian fashion scene change by leaps and bounds… I figured I was now ready for a change too. Not in a million years did I think that a blog that I started on a whim with a friend would have been this rewarding- I have met some amazing people along the way, had some great in-real-life experiences and have learnt so much from the insights you all have shared via your comments.

I hope you continue to show Payal and the blog your love and support.

As hard as it is saying goodbye to this baby of mine and to you all by extension, I am excited for what the future has in store for me. I look forward to our paths crossing again on the interwebs soon, and hope that for now, you’ll follow along and keep in touch with me over on the ‘gram and show my little design studio the same love and support you have so generously shown the blog all these years.

As the cliche goes, this is not quite a goodbye, just an I’ll be seeing you around.



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    • I was in college when you started this blog. I took a South Asian Studies course and was introduced to Bollywood and got addicted. I found this blog when there was nothing like it online at the time. I don’t remember ever missing a single post since then and it’s been such an amazing space for those who love fashion and India.

      Thank you so much, Priyanka. Thank you for all those many years you’ve provided a content that brings joy to people.

      I wish you the best in whatever else you do. You’ve been wonderful and will definitely be missed here.

    • Oh my! I started following this blog when I was 19 and after 14 years , this is the only non work thing I enjoy on the internet. I still don’t have Instagram and HHC is my biggest guilty pleasure. You introduced me to fashion when I knew nothing . It’s so uncanny that 2 people I follow on the Internet have had such a big impact on my fashion choices and likings without them realising it 🙂 your blogs were brutal honest and so insightful and what a lasting impression! During covid , they also kept me insane.
      Enjoy doing what you do Priyanka , all the best.
      Payal, my big request, please continue blogging , HHC has been a friend for 15 years to me , please don’t take it away. I really really am begging you, please don’t stop with your views and whims on fashion.

  1. I have been reading your blog since maybe 2009-2010. I must have probably read each and every 6-7000 pages of yours. But never commented. Eagle-eyed but like an Owl too 😀
    Heartbroken. But wishing you the very best and appreciate what you created.

  2. This made me teary eyed – have been following the blog since Inception and have seen how much it has grown and has ended up being quite an insightful and valuable repository of (predominantly) Bollywood fashion over all these years…

    Personally, it has been a firm companion and safe space through some tough times and mental health issues…

    Priyanka, you should do some guest bag spotting posts, I’ll definitely miss those… And all the best to you…

    Payal, thank you for keeping the space open, it means a lot… Hope it continues to chronicle the fashion steps and missteps for many years to come…

  3. All the best for your next steps Priyanka. Thank you (and Payal!) for the blog which first introduced a starry eyed 21 year old to the world of Indian fashion way back in 2008!

    Hope the future holds great things for you

  4. Will miss you Priyanka here!! HHC has always been open on my Chrome tabs since 2014, I was 19!! Thank you so much for your service, we’ll see you around!

  5. I’ve been coming here pretty much everyday since Vidya was a Bland Balan, our leading ladies wore different colours of the same Gauri & Nainika dress, carried Birkin knockoffs, and when Aishwarya used to borrow Jaya’s sarees and walk around with an arm around her shoulder. Thank you for all the laughs and the free therapy on dark days. Best wishes for your future endeavours x

  6. From those stunning red-and-black motifs, one can see how exciting the road ahead will be for you and your admirers! Wish you many, many happy adventures.

  7. I came over because a colleague used to check this blog daily. Now I come here daily, thanks to you and Payal! Wishing you the best for the new leaf you are turning in your life. Lots of luck and love.

  8. I have been reading this blog since 2009. And honestly these days, I start my day catching up on the posts here. So thank you for putting in your time and heart into this, and all the best for what lies ahead!

  9. Been following this block since 2012 and even today my day starts with a glance at this blog with my morning cup of coffee . And honestly these is where I learnt about high end brands , designs and designers and nothing else comes close . All the best to you Priyanka .

    • blog * this *

      I have to mention this .Thanks for introducing me to Freida Kahlo . She captured my fantasy so much that I made it a point to visit her home/museum in Mexico in 2018.I’ve been fascinated with her ever since .

  10. wow, I started reading this blog when I started learning how to sew , its been so many years and this blog has been so inspirational and taught me so much about fashion, all the best Priyanka .

  11. Seriously heartbroken. This blog introduced me to fashion and must say it helped me evolve in my fashion choices.HHC has been on my scrolling list every single day from last fifteen years. It felt like home. Wishing you all the best

  12. As one of those early people who visited the blog regularly for more than 14 years, it’s bittersweet to read the note. But I am sure you have brighter things waiting for you! Thank you for all the fun times. Wishing you a fab future.

  13. Thank you, Priyanka. As everyone has commented here, it’s my go-to-page in the mornings. It my guilty pleasure, combines my fascination with Bollywood and fashion. Best wishes. Maybe you can guest blog at times:)

  14. My mornings are incomplete without reading HHC. The HHC tab is open on my ipad for eternity which I keep refreshing every morning.
    I guess it is going to be hard for me to not type PnP in my comments.
    From a new campus recruit to now a mom of teenagers, HHC has been a constant companion for me.
    This is not just a blog, it is my window to the luxe world, to a minute of respite before the monotony of the day begins
    Thank you for countless moments of joy when I laughed at WTH posts ,all the comments that ensued on certain occasions, a tinge of female empowerment that always shows in comments as well posts where we are reminded to dress how we like
    Its been quite a journey. The only reason this goodbye doesn’t feel so heavy is because Payal is still going to continue writing.
    You will be missed Priyanka, and wish you luck for your future endeavors. Looking forward to your little design studio on the gram

  15. I started about 9 years ago and this still remains the first website I read every morning! It has given me new perspectives and a voice in the fashion world too along with shaping our choices!
    Priyanka, I did send my dad to Kanakvalli on your advise and we have 3 yellow sarees from there 🙂
    So, thank you for this platform! Good luck on the new adventures!

  16. Wish you the best Priyanka!!
    I have been a reader since the blog started. It’s been my morning tea companion since forever – no matter where I am. I have followed the growth of this website, and both you and Payal’s IG – and learnt a lot. And this blog was a thing, before DietSabya was a thing. 🙂
    It’s bittersweet reading your post.
    Good luck on your new adventures !! Best wishes to you too Payal – hope you continue with this blog; it is a part of lot of lives.
    Thank you for the platform – both of you!!

  17. I have been reading your blog since the very beginning and it has been a part of my daily life ever since. I did notice the past few months that Priyanka wasn’t contributing to the blog, and kept hoping that you would be back to regular programming. That being said thank you for HHC and being a P of P&P. I hope and pray that Payal continues this blog, it has become a part of our pop culture and my life.

  18. Sorry to see you go. As has been said, this blog has been a guilty pleasure, a therapy on a tough day, a go-to for styling looks and a mood-lifter even through the pandemic. Thank you (both) for starting it. And wishing you (both) good times ahead.

  19. Have a great one Priyanka, thoroughly enjoyed your half of HHC and I do hope you do a cameo post occasionally, Thanks for everything! And Payal, please keep on going. :)!

  20. Now i get emotionel!

    I found HHC accidently on one of lowest days of my life. I was struggling heavily with my mental and physical health those days.
    HHC became my breaks from the world and along the years I succeeded to become a dr. Which was my big goal at the time.
    I gave birth to two wonderful kids and professionally I have changed path 180 degrees. Whil i Trade Gold i checkout your Golden posts.

    HHC, with PnP and its readers (the best comment section!), has become my Daily getaway!

    I appreciate you PnP!

    Wish you all the best Priyanka.

  21. This blog has been a guilty pleasure and a fun read for me. I have been hooked onto HHC since I discovered it and follow your posts diligently. Thank you for this amazing blog and wish you the very best in your future endeavors!

  22. You both should be proud for having educated a whole bunch of us eager girls on fashion and un peu français ? Wishing Priyanka all the very best for her next venture and Payal for continuing this legacy ??

    • Yep yep, I am going to continue to post. This is my escape from my daily job and so will continue till its fun and my fingers can still type! 😛

  23. Sorry to see you go but wishing you all the best! This blog will stay as a daily pleasure of mine. You and Payal have been rockstars at creating a gem of a space which makes me re-think my sartorial choices for the better. Good luck with everything in the future!

  24. Hi Priyanka.

    I understand the need for a change but I am sad to see you go. I am in Sydney and have been following this blog for years now. Its my fav morning ritual, to scroll through the pages and find comfort somehow, no matters what the day ahead holds for me.

    I really hope Payal continues with this because I’d be (like many others) devastated if this blog ever came to an end.

    Wishing you all the best and thanking you for helping me through some of the worst times of my life through this blog.


  25. Thanks Priyanka! For the all those years of hard work that went in blogging. I have been following the blog since 2010, when I moved to USA. Like others this blog was always opened in one of my browser’s tab. My day started with going through the posts here. Still do!
    My best wishes for your future endeavors. I do hope to see more of you on the social platforms. Been a fan of yours for ages. Thank you for the chutzpah, honesty and fashion wisdom.
    Payal- all the best to you too!! N thank you for keeping this blog running. Not sure what I would do without it. I love the energy, wittiness you bring to your posts.
    PnP I do love you both!!

  26. Good luck, Priyanka! I can see through the comments how this blog is such an integral part of our lives. Personally, it makes me feel connected to India more than any other Fashion/Lifestyle blog. I am a regular here since 2007. Love my daily dose of desi fashion news! Payal – keep up the good work.

  27. This is really heartbreaking to read. I know everything about fashion and discovered many indian and international designers through this blog. Reading this blog is a a part of my daily morning rituals and I really hope for all our sake this blog continues. Wish you all the best Priyanka and thank you for Payal for continuing with it.

    We are all very grateful to you two!

  28. Thank you for all your effort in updating and running this blog for so many years ! I refresh it few times a day. For days that there is no update, I feel lost. I deleted all social media apps as part of a detox a few years ago but this has been the constant guilty pleasure. Not much of a fashionista but have loved reading the critique and the comments. Good luck in all your endeavours !

    Thank you Payal for continuing with the blog 🙂

  29. Thank you for all time and effort you guys have poured out into this blog. I started reading in 2008 and even today HHC Is a constant with my morning cup of coffee. You guys work really hard to keep the comment section respectful.

    Priyanka, you will be missed, good luck in all your future endeavors.

    Payal, I will be still around as long as you are.

  30. My son asked me the other day if I “follow fashion” and I said “yes”, and he looked surprised, so I told him I read this blog devotedly. I love the curation, the critique and the comments from the community.

    Thank you for starting this, Priyanka and Payal. Sorry to see you move on, Priyanka, but thank for all the hard work and best wishes for new beginnings. Glad that Payal is continuing the blog. I’ve had hours and hours of pleasure from this site. Someone asked me if it was my “guilty pleasure” and I said “No, nothing that gives o much fun can every be a cause of guilt”.

  31. Dear Priyanka,
    I hope you see how loved you are from all these comments. I have also been following the blog since it’s inception and it’s an integral part of my day. Every time there’s a bollywood awards show, wedding or event and I see a celeb in an outfit, I always think “What would P&P think” and head over to hhc to find out. I wish you all the best in everything you do in the future. You will be missed!

    Payal- thanks for continuing and providing us with amazing fashion commentry and analysis!

  32. Who’s cutting onions here? ??

    Thank-you everyone who took the time to write a note… your love and support means so much! Now let’s huddle for a big, squishy group hug.

    I’ll see y’all around.



  33. Sorry to see you go, Priyanka! Was hoping to get old with both of you 🙂

    Thanks for continuing the blog, Payal! Life would be incomplete without this guilty pleasure 🙂


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