Ishaan’s would be nice if the pants were longer. The rest are head-shaking. Varun outfit looks like it belongs on a career woman walking to the subway in her comfy shoes.
Ishaan needs socks too. Varun needs a shirt. Karan can start his magic tricks that apparently need safety goggles. Maybe she should start with getting the guy out of his straight jacket.
Darshan looks the least ridiculous. All other looks are crazy. And I can’t even with Karan’s poses and expressions anymore. Does no one tell him how hilarious he looks?
Can they take lessons from Anil Kapoor please?
Ok Karan Johar you are the new chowkidar
haha,i love your comment! :D:D
Preen away like a peacock Mr. Johar, preen away.
Ishaan’s would be nice if the pants were longer. The rest are head-shaking. Varun outfit looks like it belongs on a career woman walking to the subway in her comfy shoes.
I literally laughed out loud at my desk reading that! I would add that he looks like an 80’s career woman at that!
Ishaan needs socks too. Varun needs a shirt. Karan can start his magic tricks that apparently need safety goggles. Maybe she should start with getting the guy out of his straight jacket.
Ta’s comment is spot on!! I am laughing as I type this…LOL
KJo’s suit is awful but he is still preening that too at some silly awards show. Must be nice to live in a bubble.
Varun should leave his outfit and shoes to male K-pop stars. He can’t carry it off.
Varun seems like he is channeling SRK from that awful film ‘RAM JAANE’ where he wore these baggy 90’s suits with no shirts. Google it.
Varun’s look is rather Vulgar for lack of a better word. Big LOL. These guys really need to stay orig and in their skin.
This is Lol.
Darshan kumaar looks great.
Varun needs shirt, ishaan needs socks, karan needs class
Did Varun get dressed in the dark? Is that why he ended up wearing his GF’s negligee under his clothes?
Darshan looks the least ridiculous. All other looks are crazy. And I can’t even with Karan’s poses and expressions anymore. Does no one tell him how hilarious he looks?
Varun’s look…time for men to show cleavage!!
What is wrong with Karan Johar’s style these days?