Yay or Nay?

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A Twinkle Khanna sighting and we’d like to say yay but she has us going nay. 🙁

The grey blouse and the jacket seem very interesting but paired together, it’s much too overwhelming. What a waste of delish animal print bag.

What say you?


Left: Twinkle Khanna at Khatta Meetha Screening
Right: Lanvin Happy GM Tote

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I just love her and love the look waste up, but there are just too many dark colors going on together from her jacket to blouse to jeans to hair…

  2. i actually like the whole outfit but it would have been more apt if she wore it some place where it was winter. it is much too stuffy for summer. not liking the bag – not a fan of animal prints.

    • I have never understood these mumbai weather related comments. I am from there and besides the 3 months of monsoon its is hot and muggy day in day out. So what do you reckon we do? Wear shorts/summer dresses and flip flops year round? Just because you live in a country that had 4 seasons doesnt automatically mean it applies everywhere else. The concept of summer/autumn/fall looks are rendundant in Mumbai.

      But to get around it we have something called ‘airconditioning’ to combat this monotonous weather. So you get out of your airconditioned house and into an airconditioned car and into an airconditioned venue. Make sense?

      Also most people who have been born and brought up in such climate can wear warm clothes in warm temps.. we have a high threshold for warm temp. Most people wear sarees/salwars and denims year round so why is this such a big deal?!

      I know this is a long post but these weather appropriate dressing impositions dont apply to everyone. I really hope you guys get it once in a for all.

        • I agree with clueless here. From B’bay and I can never understand weather-related comments here.
          I have worn jackets in B’bay coz I felt cold. It may be hot and muggy outside, but really, sometimes, you don’t step out to feel the heat.

  3. Th pairing of the black jacket and grey top is hilarious…way too busy! As single pieces by themselves it would have worked well… sigh! cmon dont these people check themselves out in a mirror before leaving home!

  4. like the jacket, could have been worn with a simpler blouse.
    like the blouse separately.
    like her bag
    like her.
    Anu Diwan is her friend i gather, Anu get some help from your friend here. She has a ‘taste’ in bags and all things good.

  5. Too many different elements vying for attention. She should have focused on either the jacket, blouse, or bag, and kept the rest of the look understated to highlight that single statement piece.

    I think she could have benifited from Coco Chanel’s advice and removed the last item she put on before leaving the house (either the bag or the jacket).

  6. Irrespective of the weather patterns in mumbai that jacket is bad. I never liked puffed sleeved jackets. Only supermodels can carry that look with their tall and lean body. Otherwise on normal full bodied average height woman it just looks frumpy.Twinkle never dissapoints in the fashion or style area. I guess everyone has a bad day when it comes clothes they wear.

  7. Weather not considered, I love everything from the waist up…though I find the bag just OK. But her top half and bottom half don’t seem to match together.


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