In Pero

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It was a Pero sari for Tillotama while at a recent Awards event. With her hair in a sleek knot, she rounded out the look with understated accessories. The look packs lovely vintage-y charm; we like!

Tillotama Shome At Critics Choice Awards 2022

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. She looks easy breezy lovely. I’d have chosen a pair of minimal oxidized silver/mixed metal earrings instead of the hoops and lost the bracelet & ring though.

  2. Love, love, love! Love everything about this look. She is wearing the look and not the look wearing her…so often these days, the clothes mask the person wearing it. And some clothes do deserve to be that way as they are so unique and artistic. But most others are not that great yet take away the attention from the person! This is the perfect example of a good outfit with good makeup yet with the person wearing them be the focus! Love her sense of style. Even with her edgier looks, the focus is always on her!

  3. Have loved this lady since Monsoon Wedding. She always has an interesting look and appears to be very comfortable with her sartorial choices. I like the saree but she seems to be drowning in it. Maybe if we could see a little more of the blouse, it would break the look up. Anyway, she is lovely and an amazing actress!

  4. So lovely!! She redefines what one can wear to an awards night and still look so good!!! We don’t need shimmer sarees or gaudy lehengas to catch attention!

  5. Some people are so good with their work, they dont need the “in trend” clothes, $$ designer labels, makeup overload, to bring them confidence…their work itself brings them the confidence to be themselves and pick their own style when it comes to fasion. To me she is one of them and perhaps thats why so often she looks so good, carrying off whatever she is wearing with confidence and charm

  6. Usually I love her sightings but not feeling this one. I think the blouse and harsh hair didn’t quite gel with the breeziness of the saree. A rare miss for an utterly charming lady

  7. Wrong blouse choice … The saree is the very usual fare available in any Indian saree shop. Pero label must have multiplied the cost manifold.

  8. Theoretically pretty but floral prints of this sort on white give a vintage bedsheet/curtain vibe. Pero has really edged into twee territory.

    Tilottama has the cool factor though. A woman who dresses well and has her own style. She looks good.


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