Two Times In A Row

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Is she finally beginning to get her act together!!?? 🙂




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  1. Without the neckpiece and the untrimmed looking hair, maybe. But ain’t the dress a wee bit up? And the hemline kinda makes it look like a long Tshirt. No?

  2. LOOOVEE it.. this is the best dressed I have ever seen Tanisha look in reel or real llife); if she has been reading u’re blog P ‘n P… then I hope to see her explore her potential to dress better 🙂

  3. nice.. much better than when she tries to do deliberate glamor.. this is the first time i have liked her outfit.. usually both Kajol and she are screaming for fashion fixes..

  4. The dress is such a pretty shift, but the sleeves are too loose. :-/ Also, she didn’t have to wear that necklace to complete the look.

  5. I HOPE SO!
    she looks great, and I love the necklace-very on trend
    I love shifts though, maybe she read all of those nasty comments over her satin debacle and decided to change for the better (or maybe she got a stlyist)

  6. Yellow Dress- C (Looks like my night T shirt)
    Jewelry – B (OK)
    Shoes – A (Much better than my crocks)
    Hair – B (just OK)
    Makeup -B+ ( pretty good)
    Overall – B+
    Attitude – A (As always)
    Effort – A (This is a big +ve change from what we have seen on her)
    OverALL – B+

  7. The dress is fine…. quite an improvement! But Tanisha lacks the charm of her cousin and the confident spunk of elder sis. If only she could up these two things, anything can work on her imo because she’s a pretty girl!

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