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Sonam Kapoor At L’Oreal ‘Golden Girl’ Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. It’s not the loose fitting waist up that bothers me rather the fitting waist below that really make this dress a DRAB.Better fitting waist below could’ve (I said could’ve) made it work.And maybe she could’ve put her back to expose the necklace.Buut kudos for trying biits of quirk.Atleast someone is doing that.

  2. Anything that makes you look like you have four boobs and that two of them are by your waist gets a thumbs down from me! Other than her necklace and the crinkly nosed smile I don’t like anything.

  3. Unfortunately the design makes me think of droopy bust-lines.
    Not a flattering or avant-garde effect, in any way.

    Thumbs down for me. Not dissing Sonam…just her choice this time around!

  4. Am I the only one who thinks this dress makes it look like her boobs have catastrophically collapsed down to her tummy? (I will be the first be to admit that although I love this site I am probably not terribly fashion forward in my life, so take the comment for what it’s worth!)

  5. Omg, the lower end of the collar looks like saggy somethings….or that the ends are filled with stuff to hold the collar down…very weird!

  6. Had it been a simple ivory sheath i wud have loved this one.. love the hair, the accessories and the make up but the front “sagging flaps” are extremely disturbing!! And it looks like they are pockets and she’s stuffed them with something!!! Ewwww!

  7. Seriously!! if this is not WTHEYY then I have to seriously question! She has a lively personality, has fashion sense, mixes up well and this color is good! But this dress itself is WTHEYY!! I just can not understand how she picked this dress and thought that it was a good dress!

  8. I voted fab coz its neither drab nor a fence decision-the dress is silly but look at the way she carries it off-hair, make up, accessories.. she has guts.. love her

  9. Ok now come on! WHAT is with her dress? It makes her look like she has a sagging chest or something … it’s like that dress sandra bullock wore in the proposal in the scene with betty white when she didn’t quite ‘fill out’ the dress.

    What a silly dress..who is it by?

  10. You know, I love it hands up and hands down. Had she not decided to tuck her hands right under the folds of the dress, she would have looked a lot better.
    Lovely smile.

  11. I could not get past how ASTOUNDING she looked to notice those hideous things that make it seem like she has saggy boobs.
    i picked fab. because chest up. she looks it. and waist down. she looks it.
    the middle part…ehhh

  12. Although, everything about the look (the shoes, the hair and the necklace) is fab.. the outfit is too much on its own.. we should understand that jst cos it is a designer dress does not necessarily mean it has to be gr8..ppl need to use their own judgement sometimes..

  13. Apart from the obvious hanging beyong her arms thing happening with this dress – she looks good. The obvious is pretty hard to ignore though.

  14. you know, i don’t mind the dress. i think her pose makes it look saggy, but it’s actually an interesting dress. and i love the necklace.
    the only thing i don’t like are the shoes- they’re a disappointment. she could have gone with something more edgy, less generic.

    • Unfortunately the 209 votes cannot cover whats there for everyone to see, the collar is WAY tooo WTHeyyy.
      Infact im amazed how this wasnt tagged a WTHeyyy

  15. It looks like she’s wearing an airbag. Or rather, the airbag is wearing Sonam Kapoor. Bad choice this time around, but all her other choice more than make up for it.

  16. Eureka! I’ve figured out what those “sagging boob”
    thingies are!!! They were pockets at the waistline and she’s turned them inside out!!!

  17. I think if she had ironed out the labels flat they would have looked like a large statement collar piece on the dress…instead she or her stylist chose to pouff it up at the ends and it ended up looking like sagging boobs…

    • Zainab.. “on the fence means you’re undecided… not sure if its this or that.. hence on the fence.. not on either side.. so if you’re not sure whether you like it or not, you say you’re ‘on the fence’ about it…

  18. Definitely ….. an awful dress.
    @ dressy dresser: I think she must have see herself in the mirror and thought if I can look good in this I can look good in anything…lemme show this ..off;-)

  19. what are the fashion critics’ (a.k.a. P&P’s) opinions about this? 😉

    i can completely see why people dont like it. it does create weird images in the brain.
    but, im weird and i love clothes that no1 else would wear. if i saw this dress at a store, id definitely pick it up, but thats just me..
    i love how she paired the necklace with this dress.
    for me the only downer is the hair..

  20. Sonam has turned out some great appearances in that past where I’ve thought, “Wow, that dress is kind of hideous but she makes it work”.

    So not true here. I’m secretly hoping that this is the first time she tried on the dress, and couldn’t change into something else. Because there’s no way a sane person could try on that dress and think that it’s flattering.

  21. There’s a thin line between being a capricious vanguard fashionista that wows and a bad taste weirdo that boggles the mind… in very unfunny ways! It’s a really intriguing dress, as in, you want to ask her, what junk is used inside those pockets to weigh them down? Bet they make a nifty place to carry your makeup and mobile in. KIDDING. It was not a commendable feat she pulled.


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