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It’s been a while since we had a WTHeyyy and Shriya had the good fortune (yes, being sarcastic again!) of providing us with one at the 2010 South Scope Awards. We don’t know what’s worse, the lehenga itself or that tacky tacky blouse!

Wonder who is to blame for this mess? In fact, we’d rather not know! (Ok, maybe we do.:P )

Update: The outfit is a Neeta Lulla!

Shriya Saran at South Scope Awards 2010

Photo Credit: IdleBrain

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  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT! its so awful that i love it! two boob show, too!

    the lady is very very beautiful, though. what a gorgeous face.

    • LOL !! Gorgeous girl, gorgeous hourglass figure, gorgeous hair and make up.
      But so totally magnificently wasted. Actually if I look properly, its a half saree. This women made me love the half saree in her tamil movie Mazhai. She wore a white skirt and blouse with red bandhini. (the KKHH combi). It looks too good ! And now she wears this nonsense.
      Actually, she has worn something so similar to this in light blue in a previous event.

  2. The costume (I don’t know how else to call it) on the whole isn’t apt for an awards event, or any event for that matter. It’s too overwhelming, maybe just suited for the runway. But if bikini blouses can be accepted (which in my opinion is the mother of all tackiness), I don’t see why this blouse is tacky. My only concern is the the gap I see on the second photo – am I imagining it or is the blouse really ill-fitting?

    • I don’t think there’s any gap, it’s just the shadow caused by overhead lighting. Poor girl, if she was made to wear this as part of hosting, too bad! But if she chose this on her own accord, she has no idea what a clown she’s turned herself into. If ‘Clothes make a man’ they can defeat all the good looks and natural beauty too, if you choose a DISASTER like such!

  3. HAHAHA! This is how she is dressed up in all her movies. I think she doesn’t differentiate between reel and real life. She looks so pretty in the second pic.

  4. Aiyo, Shriya, what were you thinking? What a pity…this outfit is wrong on so many levels. She oozes such oomph on screen but frankly this outfit would have been more appropriate for Sivaji!

  5. Ooh dear! who in their right mind would put such a contraption on their body?!!! Shriya! WTHeyy! and Neeta Lulla oh my daizzz i’m in shock… I think someone was slightly intoxicated when making this outfit – gold, silver, lime green and shocking pink!??? haha

  6. I am not surprised at all as this is the kind of stuff Shriya wears all the time. Anyone who has watched the Saravana Store jewelery ads would agree. She seems to think she has an amazing body that needs to be perpetually exposed. I hate her OTT brand of sexual appeal. Or whatever it is that she is trying so hard to do. You are just so tacky Shriya – just go away, won’t you?

  7. What is with Neeta Lulla making beautiful girls wear the most ugly and ghastly designs – always??? And why would anyone agree to wear that atrocious outfit is beyond me!
    Shriya, as a matter of fact, always dresses T-A-C-K-Y!!!
    I am yet to see a decent appearance from her!

  8. LOL!!! only a neeta lulla!! sigh, she even took down dear sridevi…plz plz PnP, u must run that hideous outfit as well…uggggh, and these ppl call themselves designers?

  9. Wow! just yesterday i saw the southscope pics and thought Shriya will be filed under the WTHeyy at HHC!!! hehehe if only they got their hands on the pics…..awesome that PnP have expanded their kanoon ke haath 😀

  10. I love these WTHeyy posts. You feel so much better after seeing all these beautiful actresses wearing such horrifying outfits…

    Whatever she is wearing but Shreya has an fairy’s face!

  11. She is a such a pretty girl but almost always ruins it by what she wears!! In contract, Twinkle does not have Shriya’s figure or classic face, but looks a million times better – both classier and well turned out – because she chooses what she wears very carefully. Also, would like to add that designer wear does not necessarily mean something that is appropriate to the occasion and that “less is always more” does not apply!!


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