Skirt Style

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While in Poland, Rani visited the sets of a local channel to talk about Mardaani. Don’t know about you, but we thought this look felt rather disconnected. The white cat-eye glasses and top knot felt very Jetsons but the leather skirt with the medallion felt like it belonged on a Sopranos character.

All in all, we certainly didn’t care for this appearance. You like?


Rani Mukherjee at Polish TV Sets

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  1. I like it except for the top part of the skirt which looks like one of those 80’s belts. At least she’s trying new looks and moving out of her comfort zone! I really like the pink lipstick on her!

  2. This seriously lacks ‘polish’!! This is a rather ridiculous look. she seriously looks like a saucy teacher a la Lucy liu in Charlie’s angel 1 which went along with the ‘barracuda’ soundtrack. She just needs one whip.

  3. I’m in the minority, but I like this look. If her glasses had a smaller frame and maybe a different color (red..kinda obvious) she would have pulled it off.

    • Agree with you and the lucy liu comment above. The leather shoes and leather skirt combo looks caricature-ish. She does not have the height to pull this off, even if some one else could have. (I very much doubt that though) The medallion on the waist is a terrible idea. The glasses are all wrong for her face, and makes her eyes look freakishly close set.

  4. She probably trying to look like those alternative minded european “creative” lot … the ones you find attending galleries in a black (ofcourse) lace or leather bodysuit. But this is a very “amateur” interpretation of even that very “trying-hard-to-be-alternative” styling. She’s missed by a mile. Those glasses need to go at LEAST.

  5. The boot and the hairstyle need to go. Dressing should be as per your personality coz that is something u can’t fake. This dress up is down right ridiculous.


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