Fresh Off The Runway!

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Who better to wear this uber mini than leggy lass Nina and glad she kept it simple with the gold flats.

(P.S. One woman’s top is another woman’s mini! Can you tell I am uber jealous of Nina’s long legs?)


Left: Nina Manuel at ‘The President Is Coming’ Bash
Right: Tarun Tahiliani, Delhi Fashion Week, Spring 2009


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  1. what’s with the white stuff on both her knees..powder, dry skin? The mini looks better on the model. Makes Nina look stumped. Not digging hair either.

  2. P&P – despite being an ardent follower of your blog, have to tell you i’ve stopped posting comments because the anticipation of whether or not my comment will get posted is getting rather stressful – when I am using clean language, i dont understand why my comments dont get posted. You dont have to post this one:-)

  3. She has the bod to fit into that dress but i think her hair and makeup is not upto the mark this time.I like the way the model is wearing the dress ..and also think nina needs a knee scrub and moisturizeee 🙂

  4. I too think she needs to do something to her hair…it looks very unhealthy
    as does the skin on her knees
    the outfit is great though

  5. I can’t imagine many people wearing this dress and looking good. But Nina carries it off so well. The model looks even better but then that’s almost always the case.

  6. wen i was a kid i used to have those kinds knee…lolz…tht happens wen u don wash yr knee properly…its a combo of dirty n then dry skin..lolz…

  7. very dirty knees, not so great hair and it would’nt hurt to wear it with a nice pair of leggings/skinny jeans.(just too short to call it a dress) She’s a beautiful woman having a bad style day i guess…

  8. oh and I have to say to gdfgfg you are absoultely right its dirt and dry skin but in her case, they use body makeup for their legs and arms and her’s is a shade lighter than her skin tone that is why you see the white makeup color on her knee

  9. Nina looks great. But with all due respect to her body (she has a great body BTW), her legs are shorter than her upper half. So she does not have that long a “legs”. They look too short in the picture. The model is totally hot though. She pulls the dress off, and Nina in comparison, totally pales.

  10. well i dont like her shiny makeup to begin with. im surprised no1 (above) mentioned it (as far as i could see) cuz if it was gauri, there would be essays puring out about how he makeup is shinier than the sun!


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