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It maybe winter and some of you are all bundled up but skin is in as these two fabulous ladies raise the temperature with their respective covers. While Lara sports a bikini (Chanel?) on Harper’s Bazaar India, Padma wears nothing but pieces from her own jewellery line for the Page Six cover. Can you say muy caliente?


Left: Lara Dutta on Harpers Bazaar Dec 2009
Right: Padma Lakshmi on Page Six Dec 2009

Photo Credit: DailyMail, Facebook

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  1. Why does Padma wear the same necklace from her jewellery line every single time? At least she isn’t wearing those done-to-death hoops as well. Small mercies!

  2. Frankly, I cannot take my eyes away from Padma. She is so gorgeous. But I don’t like her make-up. :S
    Lara has been shocking me with her gorgeous-ness

  3. ah actully i find all the covers the same…but then i m not a beauty magazine knda person…but yeh thats one heck of a cheesy line”i like me better naked”…gimmicks…blahh

  4. Well, they both look good but I saw Padma’s picture earlier and HOLY what a gorgeous photograph! There’s always something about nudes…but wait, isn’t she pregnant? Does that make this an old shoot?

  5. 1. I think the airbrush (photoshop) job near Lara’s stomach area looks weird…

    2. Isn’t Padma Laxmi going for the “Bhooka-Nanga” look ? She looks gorgeous and I am a little jealous that is why I am calling names …

  6. lara looks stunning ..but padama she looks amaazing .she makes this pic look like a piece of art …and i loved the line ” i like me naked” …she looks so comfy in her skin …:)

  7. good lord!
    is padma pregnant! …
    lara looks great but padma looks so edgy … and natural… almost makes me feel like i could look like that 😉 as if!

  8. OK I Love lara to death , but this cover is horribly photoshopped..She looks like a BobbleHead…Her face looks so much bigger than her waist and I’m surprised no one noticed!!


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