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We’d love for Kim Sharma to discover the joys of French manicure, or those of nude or neutral nail-paints. The Chanel bag doesn’t go nor does the chain-link belt really mesh in this instance. But having said that, love her dress. It is so kitschy and fun and reminds us of a more toned down and accessible Manish Arora.


Kim Sharma At Anna Singh’s Store Launch

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  1. I actually love her dress (alhtough…is that a FAkE Chanel?) and I don’t really like her shoes either-she should have work a more solid, chunky pump
    …but I HATE french manacures-very tacky
    a neutral nail paint is ok…but her nail color would be fine if her nails were short and well kept
    plus, it’s practically fall now, and the neon colors are no longer applicable (I just got myself some burgundy nail polish today)

  2. I’m with pdaervo on this one. The color would have looked good if she had kept her nails short. A deeper shade of the one shez wearing would have looked classy…

  3. although.. i am not sure i would wear that shade of pink on my fingernails in any season.. including monsoon.. i did buy it for my toes though!!

  4. Arjun and Kim?!! now who knew that!.. i love the dress.. i have been trying to find a tshirt like that.. i think its awesome.. not digging the shoes at all. with a dress like that it should have been something more solid.. i am not a nail person, so dont really care about the color blah blah..

  5. What does Kim Sharma do that she’s able to afford Labels all the time? I’m guessing she’s some starlet, but do they really make that kind of money?

  6. love her whole outfit, and her money doesn’t neccesarily have to come from her movies, she may come from a wealthy background? or maybe she just invested really well 🙂

    why are you guys trying to analyse someones financial state, and judging from that whether the bag is fake or not. Some rich people are out there carrying fakes too!


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