In Arpita Mehta

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Wearing an Arpita Mehta lehenga, Kiara kick-started her upcoming movie’s promotions. With her hair styled in soft beachy waves, the actor rounded out the look with jewelry from Anmol. She looked striking!

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Photo Credit: PR Provided

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  1. Lehenga??? All this while I thought it’s a saree with a shabby drape. I like the outfit but wished a better actual blouse, even if it’s strappy.

  2. I wish I could also wear such a pretty, small choli and such vibrant clothing and attend a party. But unfortunately i’ve never had such an opportunity pre- Covid, during Covid, nor am I going to have any such excitement in my life post- Covid. I was and am living and will most likely continue to live the life of a hermit.

    • DONT say that…. youve GOT to have hope!! Things will return to normal pretty soon. Dont get caught in the hysteria and dread. News networks are in the business of selling fear and death

      Be careful but dont stop living your life.
      It probably costs multiple lakhs… 🙁
      If you can afford it just buy it and wear it for your significant other and do a Zoom call with family!!:))
      Dont get fear suck the life out of you
      Cheers!! & hugs

      • Thank you for your genuine concern:) But it’s not because of Covid. My life before it was pretty much the same as it was for others during Covid. One of self isolation. Lol.

        hahaha@zoom call. It reminds me of ‘attending’ a cousin’s engagement via a Zoom call where I got all dressed up. Only to find others dressed very casually, some older folks lying down on their beds with their faces right in their cameras. lol. Needless to say, I felt soo over-dressed and was so embarrassed that I switched off my camera immediately!
        And yes, I have actually thought of buying myself an outfit similar to this with nowhere to go. Just for myself!

        • @Donkey It doesnt matter… you did it for your self. I know many friends that will dress up every morning with make up and all even on days they have zero Zoom calls :))
          They tell me “They feel professional and enthusiastic”

          I can totally see that… wearing a nice FabIndia outfit makes me very very happy :))

    • Seems like someone has stolen my thoughts. My situation is also similar. Plus, I am observing one more thing during this pandemic. Life of many remains the same. Be it pre-covid, post or even after all this will be over. Those who were travelling the world, partying hard, socialising..are still doing the same. Where as, those who were engrossed in their jobs, like to stay aloof, will continue living the same way even after pandemic is over.
      Coming to your second comment, loved the last line, buy n dressup for yourself.

      • Yes… some amongst us, be it politicians or celebrities or the wealthy will always test the limits of everything or break rules,

        that should not stand in the way of us dressing up, making some nice mithai and watching a chick flick or going out to TJ Maxx and buying my 100th “Gather” wall sign or olive oil induced with some obscure spice 😛
        …… I can guarantee none of the rule breakers can derive pleasure from THAT 😛

  3. The forced drape spoils the look a lot. Takes from what couldve been classic royal to more of royal harem. Wish it had been draped well, because its such a pretty outfit, face makeup hair thats so spot on…

  4. THIS for a movie promotion?! Haha. Another Bollywood actress with no sense of event appropriate dressing. that choli is beautiful though, as is the necklace. this would have been great as a wedding guest look.


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