Match ‘A Bit Too’ Much

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Aarti (see here and here) maybe the queen of Match-Much, but looks like we have a new contender who wants to give her a run for her money!


Divya Kumar Khosla at Satish Kaushik’s Birthday Bash

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. And she is back, I actually dearly missed her, no one can do the “wtheyyy” column more justice better than this fashionist”er”…

    Welcome back Divya, aawww I missed you. Thanks Satish for having that party!

  2. Why is it that this girl ALWAYS manages to look tacky even with all the designer labels from head to toe.. She looks no nouveau rich !!!

  3. I always wonder what the more fashionable set of people think when they see women dressed like this. Does Malaika snicker in her head if she sees this or does she just not notice someone like her?

  4. its almost unbelievable how wrong she gets it every time! i think a stylist really needs to stage an intervention and get the poor girl some help..she’s charming to look at, she can do so much more!

  5. LOL @ Madhu

    divya khosla and her obsession with ugly pink accesories!!! whew. she makes me hate anything pink. and why does she always dress like a 5 year old girl dresses?

  6. After everyone commented that they missed her in wtheyy, i went back to the history of Divya Khosla and honestly, OH MY GOD! I am going to have nightmares tonight.


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