Sari Style
I know we always complain about Dia sticking to the same ol’ pastel/soft shades but this one time you won’t hear a peep out of us… the sari looks absolutely lovely on her. While Deepika too looked lovely in her pink sari, we just preferred Dia’s look in this match-up.
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Deepika Padukone (Left) And Dia Mirza (Right) At 2010 Apsara Awards
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
both look LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY !! But I am LOVING deepika !!! elegance and personality personified
agree absolutely…Dia looks feminine and pretty but Deepika looks Elegant and sophisticated in this sari
lovely is the word…deepika looks a bit too thin though…
I dont care for Deepika’s shoes…they look like manly mojdis.
Other than that, I like both womens looks.
There is just something magical about an Indian woman in a sari…especially when worn like this. Gorgeous! Both of them!
I agree.. They both look GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
The fact that the sari is draped properly makes ALL the difference!
Agree completely.. the drape is perfect.. and look at the blouses – they are not tacky or sheer or the western kind – halters, tubes…
They look just lovely…
it was deepika’s shoes, wasn’t it? =) i think dia just makes it seem so effortless, the elegance/ prettiness, and that’s the reason she fares better =)
khussas look good only with churidars. Otherwise Deepika owns the look. Very classy. dia looks somewhat chunky in comparison.
Dia all the way. Love the gold-green.
agree, they both look lovely. not digging DP’s jooti’s though- kinda weird and unfeminine….and btw how tall is DP!?!??!
anyone who is tall knows that sometimes saris (especially fancy embroidered saris) are short in length…she probably wore flats because if she wore heels, her sari would have looked like she was wearing “high-water” pants
Hm, brishty you are right. Then again good quality sarees are actually “taller”. Like if you compare kanjeevarams, the better the quality, the taller the saree. So I think it is possible to get “taller” sarees.
but i am sure someone of her status could get custom made saris!
still not digging the jootis, some other flats, maybe strappy feminine embellished flats would work better….
sarees are pretty tall now…im 5’7″ and i get to buy pretty tall sarees. my moms generation had a tough time. deepika is 5’9″
Me too love Deepi….she looks lovely,waiting for ur KCK
Deepika’s jootis kill it. She looks lovely otherwise.
Both ladies look lovely…need to see better pics of Dia.
hey diya luks realy awesum in dat pastel saree
though deepika also luks awesum dia definately steals d show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both wins. I absolutely adore Dia’s elegance and beauty but in this face off Deepika looks really classy as well. LOVE.
omg! i love both the saris and wish i had both!!!
Yup.. you are right !! she is looking ravishing.. I am seeing her for the first time in golden coloured sari.. SHE IS LOOKING RAVISHING !! 😀
deeps looks gorgeous, hate the shoes tho… dia also looks nice..
I think they both look equally pretty!!! In the face-off, they would both be a 10 for me. Dia hardly ever goes wrong, and Deepika looks gorgeous.
Not a fan of the shoes…but considering that she’s wearing the sari pretty low, wearing heels, might have made the saree looking shorter….which would be a NO!!!
sooo……both get my vote.
Both look amazing, and I like that they wore blingy party saree’s. Dia fares better by 1% so thats 101% total for her! lol
But I have to add I love it when the saree is worn up like how deepika has done it, so much more feminine and elegant, Katrina does it like that sometimes, otherwise non of the other celebs do really.
Deepika looks stunning and elegance personified.and not often do we get to see her wearing sarees.Dia looks lovely,though the gold here in the picture looks comparable to the pastel shades that she wears!So nothing too different from her usual style-feminine and elegant.
Both look equally stunning.
deepika looks manly in the pics..dia looks amazing
I don’t like Deepika’s footwear, but she pulls it off. Dia still makes me snore.
Deepika is just so gorgeous in that sari…she looks beautiful in indian wear…sadly she doesn’t do it often
deepika wins this one for me …. love the colour and the drape … very elegant
Diya wins this round for me. Both ladies look fantastic in their saris but somehow Deepika looks somewhat unfeminine. As it is her body is very slender, but when she gathers the pallu and pins it all on her shoulder her torso ends up looking even longer – leaving her body looking rather lizard-lke. And in any case, I’m not really a fan of this pinning of the entire pallu on the shoulder, it looks too ‘Air India flight-attendenty’.
THATS IT!! Thats what Deepika looks like..Gorgeous, but air hostess.
Maybe she wants to show off her nice slim midrif *wink*
wow they both look sooo good. understatement. Deepika really suits sari’s and traditional indian wear.
Daaaaymn., do they look elegant!! So regal. Why can’t the ladies of Bwood do this more often. Imagine how classy our award shows would be and how much fun we’d have with the best dressed list.
Deepika and Dia were equally stunning ’til I saw Dipika’s khusseh/jhootis/mojdis (wow, which one is it?), but I forgive her because she’s tall and it was just her batkismati (bad luck) that the photo was taken while she was crossing her legs thus revealing her shoes. I’m drooling over her sari color.
Hey they both look gr8 and luv both sarees colors! Deepika’s shoes can be better though. Any idea where can you get this sarees from in mumbai? I am visiting there soon.
dia steallls the show again and again and again…. i like her sense of style.. soo elegant!!
deepika is OK!
i want to know how come dia is always in the limelight considering she’s not done anything in ages. not an industrialist’s wife either. so how does she manage all this? and who keeps inviting her? what is her claim to fame these days?
that said – i prefer her look to deepika’s
ok so I just caught the awards on TV and there is simply no comparison. Deepika is rocking! I haven’t seen sari look this goo on a woman other than Sri Devi. Must say these pictures are not too flattering making her look harsh and a bit masculine. In the awards she looked anything but.
On an aside did anyone else notice her looking all teary eyed when Rishi kapoor mentioned her in his thank you address while receiving his award.