In Aastha Narang

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Monday promotions for Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster saw Ms. Singh in a taupe colored Aastha Narang anarkali. Besides, the fact that we weren’t really fans of the very visible bandeau lining, the whole look with that dark lipstick felt very dated.

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  1. such a gorgeous woman, such unfortunate 1990’s-era clothing choices. She’s also the perfect example of a beauty — Shilpa, Katrina also come to mind — who has refused to update her admittedly beautiful hair and so appears dated in current appearances. Also, unlike the other two, she’s got a tiny frame and so her hair threatens to overwhelm it all the time.

  2. Isn’t this the exact same anarkali from the last post on her but in a different color? Also, short-hair-person-forever question — does it not get hot under all that hair in Bombay heat to want to tie them up at some point?


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