Sari Style

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Bhavna dazzled again at Doha on day two. Alas, the same cannot be said about Nandana. What a dud appearance! Did she forget she was at a film festival. Not only was the sari bad but she wore it so dowdily. She reminds me of the time, back in the day, when mom would go grocery shopping and the pallu would always be tucked in because it was time to do business (read: haggle haggle haggle). 🙂

Bhavna Talwar and Nandana Sen at 2010 Doha Tribeca Film Festival, Rakta Charitra Screening

Photo Credit: Zimbio

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  1. Nandana dear…you can’t haggle your way to an award..!! (wink wink) oooh…and next time carry a bigger bag..or better still..just start following the blog 😀

  2. Bhavna look elegant and fresh. i could see a lot more of her in these saree appearances. The lady in read is so much better in this appearance than her last one with half boob shows.
    I agree its an ordinary saree, but it looks nice too.

  3. Can’t believe Nandana had the audacity to step out in public dressed like this!! and what’s with that bag? did she get it at payless??!

  4. Bhavna looks really nice!

    I like Nandana’s saree, it’s just the way she is carrying it which is so awful. She needs some lessons in draping and carrying a saree. I sometimes do get into this kind of pallu tucking when I am doing a lot of work, esp at some poojas. But on a red carpet, a big NO.

  5. I love bhavana’s look ….. is there any particular name for this type of a saree ? Some sort of a self weave i think .. but there also seems texture with raised finish … urghhh!….. i was looking for something like this a couple of months back and had tough time explaining it to the showrooms …. couldn’t find anything half as nice ..

  6. Bhavna looks fresh and beautiful. no comments on Nandana. Can you tell what type of saree Bhavna is wearing? what is the material? any ideas anyone?

  7. Honestly, I loved Nandana’s sari. Simple in design. And a classic color combo. Altough I must admit, it looks like some air hostess’ sari…
    Bhavna looks very classy once again!


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