In Black And White

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Spotted Bandana Tiwari doing ‘Black and White’ at two consecutive events… prefer one over another?


Left: At Versace Accessories Boutique Launch
Right: At GQ Magazine Bash

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Blackdress with dazzling polar white shoes? oh and that guazy silk shirt – isn’t it summer in mumbai? somehow she’s making me feel claustrophobic…

  2. Can I say neither? B & W is the easiest combo to carry off. Chanel made a whole empire out of its simplicity, but BT has managed to go wrong with it too.

  3. I like the second look. She has such a fantastic face. I think she is intelligent, her articles in Vogue are great and she used to be a great host for that show she used to have on Zee Cafe. I want her job!

  4. She doesn’t look that great.. IDK, the only thing I am liking here is that white shirt, which IMO is not silk . or is it??

  5. love the dress on the right, very summery, the look would be perfect if she had worn it with a different pair of shoes

  6. for a fashion editor..horrendous!!! actually for anyone to wear that is horrendous.
    the only saving grace would her chanel bag.

  7. A fashion editor making such grave faux pas, not once but twice, should definitely be sacked!! Her “super Rin white” shoes are godawful. And had she ditched the shirt with the first dress, it might still have worked. And the second dress is so frumpy!!

  8. P&P: I don’t like it when you guys ask for public opinion without giving yours. I come to this site to read your opinion cuz I value it … Readers are always 50-50 divided … I really wanna know what you think and how you think this outfit could be made better … like u do with most of your posts. :))

  9. honestly…for some reason i like the second one a little…just a little the first one looks very grandma-ish ! and she is a fashion editor ? really ? cause for a 21 year old college student i think i can dress better on a bad day

  10. I love the white shirt in the first pic. And I think that the bag she has paired it with is perfect for the look! Hate the shoes. And the second dress looks like a wimpy sack!


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