Doing Ultra Casual

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There is no doubt that Adah looks positively radiant but her outfit, for me, is bordering on a WTHeyyy. I’ll take this look on a kid (preferably a boy) but definitely not on a grown woman! She can do so much better!


Adah Sharma at Mohit Israni’s 2010 Calendar Launch

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I honestly don’t think it qualifies for a wtheyy, but the shoes are really bad, other than that I don’t really mind it.

  2. awww come on…she looks so happy!! if i had to take my pick from fashionable clothes and a radinat cheery smile, i’d go for happiness.

  3. shes gorrgeeouss! i dont care what she wears but she does carry it off very well! 1920 was fantastic and she was great in it. very versatile actress

  4. why is it a wtheyy? i think its cute . she is cute and ya like debs said she looks sol happy!! which of the actresses TODAY CAN MANAGE TO CARRY OFF HAPPY???


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