In Rabanne

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Tamannaah served as a celeb guest at a carnival weekend aboard a casino boat and was seen wearing a Rabanne draped dress with key hole detail at the bust and waist. This dress lost me at the bust fit. Didn’t like it one bit on her. Did you?

Tamannaah Bhatia

Photo Credit: IG

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  1. She is a very beautiful girl. This dress is not good for any body type. I don’t know why she is willing to subject herself to these atrocities.

    • This is Green Latern 2024- the super power is in her suit- this one- it hurts the eye and senses in general so much that no enemy has a chance- or she could be green goblin but with the same super suit power.

  2. Sometimes the most beautiful women have no idea on what to wear. They depend on their stylists and
    I would very much think the stylist hired to do the job should know better unless she herself fetched this monstrosity to wear.

  3. I think it is mean to post this picture because obviously she is looking terrible and you are aware that people are going to leave negative comments. She is a nice person in real life and maybe she has eye sight issues. Maybe next time it’s better to show restraint and just leave her pic out.

  4. This is the most atrocious piece of do you walk out wearing something this bad..!! Her dressing has gone from worse to bad to just plain ugly!!


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