Nuptial News

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Swara and Fahad who had a civil wedding earlier had their traditional wedding festivities this week in Delhi. Our congratulations to the newly weds!

Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad

Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I think she look beautiful in the last 2 pictures. I am more partial to the one in Salwar Kameez. Wishing the newly weds a beautiful life of togetherness

  2. I don’t have a problem with the clothes, her wedding her choice as long as she liked them. But but but even for an actual wedding ritual, with a traditional saree, blouse, matha patti etc, a one boob drape is a must?

  3. Both blouses look like last minute hurried purchases online. College girls would do better.

    Proof enough — you cannot buy class.

      • Why? She shared her opinion? Easy. Gosh. So much “be correct police” here. OK the outfits are plain ugly. Let’s call it what it is Yes. It’s a wedding. Yes. We have to say everything is just sooo amazing. It’s not though! It. Is. Not.
        She could wear something much better. She didn’t. Her choice.
        I choose to say they are amazingly a ugly.

        The thumbs down button will go crazy now.

        • Sharing her ‘Opinion’ about someone being classy is different from not liking an outfit. Get it? Or prefer to get your thrills by making classist comments?

    • It’s a fashion blog . You can say dress is awful or whatever. But why mention class? Does it make you feel better? Is it only that upper classes can have good taste? Don’t hide behind commenting on fashion only, your true intents are showing.

    • +1

      Why are people so freaking serious? If you wnat to attend a morally correct blog /forum join Bible or Quran blogs.

      Why can’t we say that a wedding dress is horrible as hell? (not saying these particular outfits are horrible. They are just ugly in my opinion) We all ahve an opinion when we Attend real live weddings. But on hhc we pretend to be oh so correct. BS.

      My wedding dress was ugly. I m still waiting to get on Guinness record book for it. So what? It’s just a dress.
      Weddings are not holy, people.
      (I should get a price for my makeup too. It was a disaster)

  4. I think even much maligned Aunties at weddings may not have as many pointless criticisms as HHC commenters.

    The lehenga is OK, the other two outfits are fine. It is a welcome change from the Sabya-MM wedding styling complete with controlled images. Looks normal and sweet and congratulations to the couple.

  5. Interesting who gets featured here and who does not – and within that also whose sense of ‘style’ gets accepted and whose does not. This fashion blog was the go to place till the personal political leanings, agenda, bias, and ‘clanism’ started to make an appearance. Its a pity really because have enjoyed this space for years.

  6. First of all congratulations to the couple! Kudos to Swara for keeping it real and within her private zone and not falling in line with the bollywood brigade of choosing designers even for their weddings. Its a petsonal thing n people will wear what they want to wear. So what if shes a bollywood actress! Even sonam kapoor chose to wear some designer of her choice and not what everyone was expecting her to choose.

  7. All of the outfits are ugly.
    Wish them a happy married life.
    Clothes are nothing. They define nothing. All a matter of personal choice or taste (or lack of it) at a certain moment or periode of life. This is not sarcastic meant.

    Typing this to make you give thumbs down. (see, you let someone else control you. Dictate how you should feel and act upon.)

  8. I blame the ‘designers.’ Can’t believe they are selling this garish stuff as bridal outfits. She is a beautiful women but seriously the stylist and designers ought to be fired. And no you don’t require a lot of money to look nice.


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