In Twos

Comment image 46

Sunny walked the red carpet twice, first in a velvet Gemy Maalouf gown on Tuesday evening and then in a one-shouldered silk gown to the screening of her own movie. Between the two, I was drawn to the velvet gown just because of its color but she did look great in both. Props for not picking OTT overwhelming looks.

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Sunny Leone at Kennedy Premiere

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Sunny Leone at Rapito Premiere

Photo Credit: Getty

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  1. Not a big of those two gowns basically badly designed clothes but she looks good !!why aren’t you covering aditi Rao … I loved her in Oscar del renta powder blue dress

      • Having a bad day? The question was quite innocuous. All you had to say was – we will – if you do indeed intend to cover Aditi eventually. You would have used fewer, and less caustic, words!

        • The reply was a reminder that we are not a 24 hour business to cover everything happening. We also have lives to live. And no, after doing this for 15 years, let’s just say we have to remind ppl that we are two real ppl who run this as a hobby. As for being less caustic, I don’t have to. This is not my bread and butter.

          • Thank you both for keeping this site still alive after so many years. Been coming here for more than 12 years and it’s my quick fix to whatever fashion.
            I hope you still enjoy what you do.
            Stay well P&P. *finger hearts*

            • @s .. whytf is Aditi more relevant than Sunny ? such prejudice !

              Sunny is at Cannes for the premiere of her her movie ..
              No one else this year can claim to do so !

            • Lol no. Sunny Leone actually has a movie at Cannes. Good to see her covered.

              I didn’t think the OP was offensive but the reaction ts probably due to a cumulative effect of reading comments. One cant dictate what a blog should be and sometimes the comments are a bit abusive towards PnP. Don’t like don’t read and move on.

              • The last time Sunny appeared on this blog was a while ago. Aditi is a regular and like it or not, a bigger celebrity. Most of us are more interested in seeing what she is wearing.

          • God I hope you’ll get your time off from job’s , personal commitments, daily routines and then reporting for hhc with growing demands and tantrums of those who themselves see hhc in their leisure.

          • Darling being polite only when it’s bread and butter would be terrible.. I can understand giving it back when it’s rude but it looked like a simple enough question… Also noticed many ads on your blog so it’s certainly a little jam and cheese here and there!!!!!

            • Actually that is a misconception. The revenue earned balances out the cost to keep the site running. We have been badly burned working with Indian companies as they do not pay up. So the headache is not worth it anymore for us.

              • Then just stop posting. You sound miserable doing it and make it sound like we readers should be grateful that you do this. No offence but in the world of Instagram, this blog is almost obsolete anyway.

                • One day we will. Today is not the day. Like I said, this is a hobby and mostly fun. It is when faceless folks try to give us lessons on civility is when this is not fun. Anyways, this kerfuffle too will pass. If anything, 15 years of doing this sure has shown us that. You are absolutely right about the blog being obsolete in a day of IG but ppl do visit and it is THEM that we keep posting for.

          • I’m honestly quite taken aback by the rather nasty & arrogant tone of Payal’s responses. I’ve been following this site since 2008 and looking back, I now truly wonder if P&P even value their readers, who btw, keep the blog alive. Politeness & being civil is a way of life, it can’t be reserved only for arenas that are your bread & butter. As for having a life, we do too. But we choose to devote a small part of it to your blog, just as you choose to devote time to running it. A little humility goes a long, long way, and even the busiest, biggest of personalities should remember that. I’m genuinely hurt & disappointed with the tone of these responses. I fully understand if you’re having a bad day, but then the graceful thing to do would be to at least acknowledge that you crossed a line, if not apologise. Thank you

            • 100 percent agree with what you said. The readers are the reslason this blog has been thriving so show some humility and kindness. There was absolutely no need to be so rude ! And like someone else mentioned, yall definitely make money off the blog. There are plenty of ads. So again a little humility and compassion is what you need Payal.

        • @Wesin, This is EXTREMELY unsavory and uncalled for.

          “Why aren’t you covering Aditi” could have been…. Will you cover Aditi, to start with.

          Then, P&P owe us NOTHING. NADA. You are here for your entertainment that they serve for their pleasure. These are choices, not commitments. Feel free to walk away if this is too caustic for you.

          • Well, given the number of ads on this blog and the combined 250K followers (approximately) on social media, this is a lucrative “hobby” where they get a lot in return for the entertainment they provide. While I don’t think that people should owe each other basic civility only if they get something in return, in this case we as readers can feel entitled to some civility.

      • My bad I came across rude .. I was just excited see aditi Rao hydari well dressed on Instagram, I didn’t mean to be rude , and love sunny leone too … sorry I was unaware of the history of the site … all cool respect your personal space , thank you for educating me !

        • I don’t mean to defend anyone. I don’t think your comment was rude. But there have been similar comments (sounding entitled) over a period of time. This response just happened to me under your post. Probably a tipping point. And time to let readers know this is not a business but a blog.
          Your response is very dignified.

        • I don’t think you were rude at all @Tata. But you did the dignified and right thing by apologising, assuming your comment was misconstrued & possibly hurt someone. Civility in public discourse is non-negotiable, and I am glad that despite the tone of Payal’s response, you chose to be the bigger person.

      • Dear P&P, unfortunate that you both l, who have such “high” standards, allow comments that suit you. The question posted seems to be in a normal tone and you could have responded to the same in a polite manner. In this rudeness, you are no different from Ms Ranaut. You not only responded in a unsavory manner, you have also encouraged caustic comments towards a visitor to your site, who asked you a simple question. Shame on your hypocrisy. And NO. You are not doing a great favour to us visitors or humanity by posting pics. There are several similar fashion blogs. You survived several years only bcoz of your consumers (the visitors). No one comes to your site to read”your” comments, I come here bcoz I enjoy reading the comments posted by others. The day the visitors comments stop, I shall go elsewhere. Kindly learn to be polite to the visitors bcoz your site and your hobby is surviving bcoz of them. Good bye. Shall no longer visit your blog and encourage your rudeness. Best wishes.

      • Let me rephrase your response for you, Payal:

        “This has been an incredibly busy time. We’ve been trying to keep up with all the activity at Cannes but life and our day jobs get in the way. We’ll try to cover your favorites as much as possible.”

        See how simple that was? Gracious, polite and gets your point across.

    • Porn stars are women’s empowerment so they need to be covered and glorified. Can’t imagine her kids as teens knowing what mommy did for a living, not under duress, mind, but of her own making. cannes was worth it!

    • So if someone is making money from a blog they should tolerate all kinds of comments?!!

      Having read the blog from its inception I can say that a lot of commenters are now paid to give positive/negative comments or at least are part of an entourage. Shouldn’t these be declared and should other general commenters have a right to troll them?!

      Again OP’s comment was ok and her reply civilised but some of the other replies are very entitled. PnP are even handed and tolerate criticism in my view so its not a good look to pile on.

  2. finally, a red carpet walk for an actual movie! the gowns themselves aren’t very exciting but at this point, i’ll take anything that isn’t just about plugging a brand, be it loreal or lenskart. and yes, i know they pour in millions for the festival and therefore have the right to put their people on the red carpet because of all the eyes on it and of course the people concerned (including ash) just wear more and more outrageous clothes for more eyeballs. it’s a vicious cycle. back in the day, wannabe celebs used to take their tops off in cannes, at least they don’t need to do that now. small mercies, i guess.

  3. She looks like a dream in the powder pink. She looks like a glamazon in the burgundy one.

    Both gowns are not great standalone but she sure works them both.

  4. Such a palate cleanser, love these simple yet glamourous looks. As for the lady behind Sunny Leone in the first pic, the one with shimmer dress and horizontal stripes on the bottom, her feet seem turned the other way to her body! :O

  5. Sunny is the only one of the actresses to actually have a movie screened at Cannes (that too one directed by Anurag Kashyap). Pray tell me how is Aditi more “relevant” than Sunny?

  6. I have to say, I loved the styling of both the gowns, esp how elegantly she has her hair down. I love Monica Bellucci and Sunny reminds of that easy oomph of Monica.
    She poses very elegantly as well. Loved it.


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