Of Promotions

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Huma was busy the past week promoting her web series and gave us a few different looks while at it. Have a favorite? I liked the Mellow Drama one the best.

In Sunandini, Nikita Mhaisalkar and Aarti Vijay Gupta

In Amore, Zwaan and Mellow Drama

Photo Credit: Stylist

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  1. Unpopular opinion and expecting a cascade of downvotes if this is even published but I’m finally going to say it because not just Qureshi but many others perform these garish, comically theatrical poses. There’s just such a disconnect when I see a series of pics like this – am I looking at an actor promoting a movie or an overly dandified model in a fashion magazine. Where is the connection to the movie/art/craft? I understand the need for the fashion element, after all that’s what we’re here to see, but that can be presented without these embarrassing, overly foppish poses that are intensely curated down to the placement of the fingertip and gaze of the eyeball, edited, manipulated, colorized, photoshopped etc. I long for the days when celebs were just candidly “spotted” in their getups and we could still discuss their looks. Memo to stylist and photogs: please stop making your subjects into such woeful caricatures of themselves. Hopefully they will look back on this abject phase with embarrassment soon enough.

    • Her poses look pretty natural if you consider the context… unlike some others’ who are OTT & contrived.
      And pretty decent looks as well.. I mean, may not top the best dressed list but at least the outfits & styling look coherent.

    • Post 90s and early 20s we’ve lost our stars to tailored, one size fits all dolls. No persona no individuality.
      Case here for Huma- she’s super uncomfortable posing and getting pitcured as it looks in all her photo shoots.
      Also maybe the industry has become such a tough nut to crack into that you do Watever you have to once your inside and then being yourself becomes rebellious

  2. They are blurring the lines between models and actors. In fact are there models who still have work anymore with celebs doing these stunts. I don’t even understand if all six of these costumes are for 6 different events or did she just put on six costumes to make like a magazine shoot? How does it promote the movie in any way? I don’t get it.

    • The stars always help market a film since forever… especially around the time it premieres. Getting people talking about their outfits..style/ relevance or whatever is indirectly creating a buzz for the film .
      In this world, bombarded with information left right and centre, they have to compete to catch the public eye ..not like old times when people waited patiently for a fortnightly magazine for news about new projects or releases.


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