Drab to Drabber!

Comment image 33

Don’t you think the store owners in question should ask for their money back! (Money they paid Soha to make an appearance, that is!)

(P.S. Still finding it hard to believe she made Cosmopolitan India‘s most stylish list! Shudder!)


Soha Ali Khan at Store Launches in Delhi

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  1. This is an insult to the store owners! what’s the point of having a star figure if she is to appear this way?? have you notice how she folded the sleeves? it sure isn’t just about “not being interested in fashion or style”

    I like her…in fact she is one of my favorite stars. I just wish she starts to take care of her status.

  2. “Still finding it hard to believe that she made Cosmo’s most stylish list” – EXACTLY my sentiments, P&P:) Wonder which one of Soha’s style moments they were referring to…

  3. Why are you like this Soha? Why? Why? I think she is sleeping all the time now that she has new sheets and curtains from ROSEBY’s – the brand she is endorsing.

  4. I think Soha looked her best in RDB. Since then its been all downhill for her. She’s OK in the first pic but the second one is just godawful!

  5. she is like me, I always think to myself “why should i put tons of makeup and wear tight revealing things to make others say “o she is beautiful” I am not a toy or figurine” my feminist side is kicking you go Zoha Ali khan, she is basically says here I don’t give a damn about what you tihnk about me, this is how i am take it or leave it


    Seriously, if the woman was being any consideration for her appreance, it was for her image. She needs to fulfill her end of the bargain.

    She looks really awful, even for a casual sunday. Atleast brush your hair Soha!

  7. such a classic beauty gone waste!! WHEN is this woman going to learn for chrissake!! she SERIOUSELY needs to hire a stylist. is she not getting any film offers that she cannot afford a stylist? geez Soha!!

  8. Hi, I’m new to this site and have to say it’s fantastic. And you guys are right, she looks pretty drab. I think if Kareena and Saif had a baby it would like her…which is unfortunate.


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