Shilpa In Hervé Léger

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Who better to don the ‘clings to your skin’ (I made that up) brand than our very own leggy lass. But, somehow I have to admit that I am not impressed with this. I love peeptoe ankle booties but somehow this look ain’t gelling for me.

Also, I am not sure if she was going for color coordination (with the teams colors) and that’s why wore this blue dress to this do, but it all sort of falls flat with all that darkness. Perhaps, a different event and this dress may have shone on her.

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Update: Swapped Pics.


Shilpa Shetty Partners with Rajasthan Royals


Left: Shilpa Shetty Partners with Rajasthan Royals
Right: Hervé Léger, Fall 2008

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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    not liking the dress much, do love that blue colour, but your right toooo much blue going on at the event.

    Shilpa neck down looking wow as usual, not to fond of the hair and make-up though, she has looked better.

  2. I do like the dress, perhaps its the wrong event. See what you mean about the shoes, something is off. First I thought it was because her toenails should have been painted but not sure. She had an amazing figure!

  3. I think a lighter-colored dress would have worked much better. She has no fat to hide, so can wear light colors without fear.
    The hair+makeup+shoes are not working either.

  4. ahhh what a hot body!!! how does she say no to cookies? how? how? how?

    i think the shoes go well with the dress. actually, i cant see past the hot body haha. if an indian had to be labelled barbie, it would be shilpa. same hair and that bodyy!!! omg i need to stop now.

  5. god…the figure one has to have to even look at that dress at the store!!!this woman gives me a complex…not an ounce of fat…and she has been like this for years…amazing.
    i quite like the shoes. hair/makeup could have been much better.

  6. That dress is so tight!! The little embroidery (or whatever is on the left shoulder) looks like little worms!! I think a little lighter shade of blue would’ve looked better.. the black and blue look almost the same. I hate the booties! UGLY UGLY SHOES.. And I think her hair and make up look just fine.

  7. to wear a dress that tight and not have a tiny piece of skin or fat in a wrong place is what only Shilpa can do, she is the only actress that makes a dress look better than what it looks like on the runway, I hate her she is so perfect

  8. She looks awesome! Who in the world can look like that in that dress? Sometimes it ain’t about the dress but about the way it fits — case in point.

  9. I dont know..i think shilpa’s aged the dress and made it rather boring and conservative (not to mention the bad choice in footwear-those are some fugly shoes). The model on the runway gives the dress a fresh and interesting twist, accessorizing it with mink gloves and metallic footwear.

  10. Yes, it wud have been a great outfit if it weren’t for all the blue around. I sort of hav a figure like dat (atleast i think i do)…but I do wish i had such glowing skin.
    oh btw…i think those booties are plain ugly.

  11. No, that dress looks way better on the modeil – elegant. For some reason (maybe the shoes and hair), it looks tacky on Shilpa even with her great body.

  12. minus the shoes.. i think she looks really good.. she truly has a hot body without being too skinny, too big of a head etc. etc.i love the navy and black combo too..

  13. I think Shilpa pulls off the dress really well. However, the booties are hideous, and metallic shoes would have given the outfit some visual interest. I also think she should have pulled her hair back to showcase the very lovely neckline.
    Because it is such a classic dress, a red lip and simple eye makeup would have been a great look.
    As an aside, I admire Shilpa for how hard she has obviously worked to tone her body. It’s one thing to be naturally slim (like Aishwarya) and not have to work out regularly, but Shilpa was once on the heavier side when she first started out. She looks healthy and athletic, which is probably why her skin is always glowing!

  14. the peeptoe opening in front is a little too wide. her toes look like they’re sticking out of it. maybe a strappy pair of peeptoe-boots with a smaller bout will compliment the look better. but otherwise, tres chic! i like!

  15. I’ve noticed that a lot of Bollywood actors wear a black thin string on their ankle. Is is style or for religious purpose? (similar to the wrist band) Off topic but very curious 🙂

  16. She does look good in it..better than the model..however, with more sunshine around it could have looked faaar better. I dont mind the blue, its the lighting I belive is the problem.Oh yes I agree the shoes are a no no!!

  17. eowww. those are a seriously ugly pair of witch booties…

    but what a body! i mean even daniel-lip-smacking-craig has said she has a great body! who are we to deny bond :)))

  18. Just watched Project Runway – 3rd episode and Heidi Klum has this same dress on. She looks really really good! You guys should do a “who wears it better – International Edition” to see who wins!! 🙂


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