In Twos

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At first glance, you might think below are pictures of the same person but a closer look would let you know that it was Shahana and Konkona. Both wore orange saris with pink toned blouses. We think they both looked adorable.

Shahana Goswami & Konkona Sen Sharma
at Boman Irani’s Son Danish Irani’s Wedding Reception

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. I was right. Shahana looks way way way better in indian wear than in the short skinky dresses. This is the best i have seen her look so far.
    Wish konkana’s draped her sari better.

  2. Bengali women in saris ROCK!

    (except for konkona’s sari drape. i have a very similar sari which has the exact same problem where the bottom border keeps twisting up. it happens because the sari is too wide on my body frame. its hell wearing that sari, but i managed with a fist full of safety pins)

    • Try wearing it as the “seedha palla” style (also called the Gujrati or Parsi style). I have a Sambalpuri silk saree with a wide and heavy border and it completely overwhelms me when I try to wear it with what in Bihar is known as the “ulta palla” which is the style that most women wear these days. It looks much better when I do it the more traditional “seedha palla” style.

  3. Konkana does not do justice to that sari as well as her. Ditched that bag, better drape and she would have been on tops. Still lovelier than the netti pottees.
    Shahana, lovely!

  4. I might be the minority here but I dont like Shahana’s saree at all and the make-up and hair ant doing much for her. I only like the jewellery. Don’t get me started on Konkana…both look bad to me.

  5. absolutely LOVE Shahana’s saree and jewllery..she looks so elegant and event appropriate…Konkona looks nice but she could’ve draped her saree better and ditched that bag..just because it matches with her saree border doesn’t make it work!

  6. Konkona..could have looked much better..right now she looks like a village school teacher with the sloppy draping and lack of accessories!

  7. I was shocked to see Konkona stepped out of her house in this. The draping is sloppy, the sari is not impressive to say the least. She looks like a bai at the vegetable market, complete with shopping bag.


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