Doing Denim

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Sayani, Shanaya and Mira did white and denim while attending a musical but each one did it quite differently. Drawn to any particular one’s outfit?

Sayani Gupta, Shanaya Kapoor and Mira Kapoor

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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    • You’re covering Shanaya, because she is an actress? In fact, you were covering Sridevi’s daughters when they were just teenagers. You guys are so much worse than Vogue India who sold their cover to Suhana Khan as her 16th birthday present.

      • Shanaya is 24 years old. She’s an aspiring actress but also a minor nepo celebrity. Not sure why she shouldn’t be featured?

        • This blog has always covered not just stars, but also socialites associated with the BW industry going back to the blog’s early days (I particularly remember someone named Queenie Singh – no clue who she is, but she used to be on these pages at all the BW parties back in 2008, 2009…).

          Natasha P and the Ambanis are not BW stars, but we see them on these pages. Shanaya is actually in BW, even tho her movie hasn’t come out yet. I’m with you on giving platform just through their last name, but come on…nothing on these pages are so much different than what P&P used to always do, and Payal is just continuing the blog as it always has been. Let’s put this to rest and stop bothering Payal about who she chooses to cover.

          • Agreed! With the rest of what the original poster said, I thought she may have considered Shanaya to be underage or a teen which she is not. HHC has always covered a bunch of personalities from different streams, industries, regions – not sure what the complaint was about.


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