In Vrisa

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At the unveiling of a TV channel’s line-up, Sandhya was seen in a dress and scarf, both from, Vrisa. Loved the dress and the twin buns. Just wish she’d worn simpler earrings.

Sandhya Mridul

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. What is this ? Sabyasaachi circa 2001 ? Very unflattering look on this otherwise pretty actress – right from those twin buns to the twin gongs to the twin Pom poms and finally those tie up boots from 1800s. Thumbs down.

  2. Why is a cotton dress so pricey! When designers use simpler fabrics that the common man can also buy (in almost the same prints) and get the design copied and stitched so easily, won’t it make sense to sell these at a lower affordable price and reduce the chance of being copied? I love vrisa but was so underwhelmed when I saw the pieces in person. Also paying 500$ for a cotton dress? I understand $$$$ for luxe items but for regular cotton/linen clothing?

    • So the reason why they charge is because it’s not just about buying the common cheap fabric and getting it stitched at the darzi. It’s about cultivating and training and studying the craft. Then the sketching the design and cut and explaining the proportions for it to be made correctly by the tailor. Sometimes you remake the pcs cause they aren’t right. Sourcing the right kind of cotton fabric and print and placing the prints correctly for it to be an impactful design. It’s like saying that my friend could pull a tooth out as she has a recliner chain and a pair of shears.

      • Okay, yes I agree but from a consumer POV, how can anyone justify spending $500 for a cotton dress. In this case, the design n everything is not very unique even though the prints might be.
        Your comparison is not apt – tooth extraction is a health issue but wearing a dress is not. The product needs to justify the price right? Pray tell me, do you think this dress is worth its price?


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