TV Talk

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Samantha taped three episodes of her show recently wearing separates from Rèik, Saaksha and Kinni and Sabina Musayev.

Liked the Reik and Saaksha and Kinni. The Sabina, not so much.

Samantha Akkineni

Photo Credit: Instagram

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    • Amu
      You have to understand the stylists’ job is NOT to figure out what looks good on their muse. Its basically to clothe the celeb in whatever the celeb gets for free, in order to make a quick buck!! The stylist probably gets a cut too

      The celeb NEVER has to wear the ugly gold or geometric outfit EVER again, but the designer whoever the unknown person is, will end up selling 100s of those ugly outfits “Just cuz, Sam wore it”
      Win win for both, celeb and dejyner!!

      Instead of assuming “Sam loves how she looked in the outfit”
      We should reword it to “Sam got paid Rs. 5 lakhs to plug that ugly maxi dress”

  1. The slanted word Reik blue? outfit looks like something any pados ka darzi/masterjee can sew 😛
    Just because the name is Italics, I bet you thousands will pay hundreds of thousands for it:p just for that Italics name

  2. My eyes went straight to that weird pocket on the pant leg of the blue outfit. C’mon man! why even include that hideous thing?
    Like the middle one. The last pic reminds me of ‘I dream of Jeannie’ for some reason.

  3. I may be in minority but i like all three looks. None of them are hurting the eyes on first look, the finish for all 3 is nice, they fit well, she is carrying them comfortably. May be not design stand outs but look nice.


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