In Masaba

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When Masaba tweeted that she had dressed Sakshi Dhoni for the BCCI Awards function, we got quite curious. While we couldn’t find a good full-length of the sari, pics across the web gave us a good idea of what the outfit looked like, which was a pink and blue sari paired with a white halter blouse.

From what we saw, we can say, we weren’t quite fans because of one, the white blouse, two, the huge pendant and most importantly, the hair. It made the whole look rather frumpy.

Don’t blame us for expecting a wee bit more effort from the wife of Indian cricket’s numero uno man right now!

You can see more of the sari more Here and Here.

Sakshi Dhoni at BCCI Awards Function

Photo Credit: SamayLive

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  1. So amusing how you guys put the entire blame on Sakshi rather than the horrible creation Masaba has churned out.. yet again.

    • nobody forced sakshi to wear this on a gun point(I THINK!!!)…Its entirely her choice,,,
      of all the classy things she could be wearing, she chose this…
      specially while sharing the platform with Mrs. oh-so-classy-and-event-appropriate tendulkar

    • I so agree with Amber1!
      I’m sorry, I don’t see anything great about that saree/blouse! Accessories & hair to be blamed on Sakshi, but I doubt anything would save Sakshi from that disastrous saree!

  2. Love the saree and the masaba’s clothes so fresh bright and peppy. Totally detest the necklace and well the hair … She never changes it. She’s a pretty young gal.. Wish she put in a lil more thought into her dressing at public appearances..she can do much much better.

  3. everything but the saree was just not working. but the saree itself was pretty – whatever i could see of it (and since i am partial to masaba).
    styled differently it would’ve been very nice indeed.

  4. I like the pink pallu on the white, as in the pic featured on HHC, but the full length pics just show that altogether the look ain’t working, esp with that pendant.

  5. got to disagree with PnP slightly here. sakshi doesnt like being in the media limelight at all, as per her own statements during the last IPL. seems to me she’s a normal lady (who just ahppens to have married a high profile person), and not one of these logo-addict-teapot-posers. leave her be.

  6. Just look at the awful creases and finish of the blouse and saree border- local tailor with no knowledge of fabric and drape, or designer? If you hadn’t said which one, I’d be fooled.

  7. I love the pendant! It seems quite edgy and statement-y (if that’s a word). However, it totally does not go with the saree. I like it as a piece, though!

  8. I like the sari, the blouse is terrible. she needs a hair stylist- pronto. She has a round face, the hair style makes her face look rounder.

  9. I wish the blouse were pink and the hair styled a il diff.
    Sakshi shd have dress rehearsals before gng out in public like this and incase she is short of time stick to traditional/safe choices

    • I am in high school and I dress WAY better than this. Style has nothing to do with age. u either have it or you don’t, being young is not an excuse. and in this case she does not have it. With all the money her husband has you would think she would have worn an glamorous designer gown and had her hair done.

  10. Saw ths first on TOI site.. n ws wondering.. whether PnP will feature ths in here..
    noting goin rt about ths look.. blouse look tacky, Pendant looks like frm other world.. n m nt liking saree either.. n i like wt Masaba Designs.. mostly..
    n Sakshi.. is frm my hometown.. Pls Sakshi.. u r so pretty.. u cn do much much better.. just a lil effort..

  11. What is so SPECIAL about this saree or the blouse? I’m sorry but I see nothing extraordinary in the design or the colour…I think Sakshi dresses way better on her own.

  12. Yuck! Masaba is an excuse for a designer. An extremely mediocre, over rated and well connected “Designer”. sakshi looks horrid like most women do in Masaba clothes. SHe had the distinction of making even Sonam look FUGLY in Cannes, like a 1960s retro looking air hostess. UGLY.

  13. Dont care for the saree or the blouse, the her is messy doesn’t suit the shape of her face, and the pendant, while interesting, is rather off for this particular saree.


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