Wearing It Again

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Natasha wore her Fall 2008 Gucci pants again but changed it up with a different top, a different bag and a different hairstyle. Thankfully!

Which look do you prefer?

P.S. Thanks ‘Tasneem’ for the tip-off.

natasha-sharma-jooal-jewelry-launch-orange-top-chocolate-birkin-bag-11.jpg natasha-around-plates.jpg

Left: Natasha Poonawala, Jooal Launch
Right: Natasha Poonawala, Rashmi Uday Singh’s ‘Around The World In 80 Plates’ Event


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  1. Gucci or Scmucci…..either way she could not hide her camel toe in this disastrous outfit. These people……spend their money on anything….Jeez!! Camel toe is never cool!

  2. agree with pdaervo; thrs just toooo much happening with the top and pants both being so embellished and embroidered. PnP, y’d u say “a different hairstyle. Thankfully!”. wat was wrong with her hairstyle in the 1st pic? it’s awesome.

    anyway, she looks nice (face-wise) in both pix.

  3. priya,
    The ‘thankfully’ was for the fact that she didn’t wear the exatc same thing again, which we some people do so often. Same accessories.. same hair…

  4. She’s really pretty, I agree. So I tend to forgive what she wears.. but I have to say that honestly she seems too much of a fashion victim. I just don’t think either outfit is any good.. it just screams bored Dubai socialite who doesn’t know what to spend her money on. Would love to see some kind of individuality on her.

  5. That’s odd I totally like the one on the right.. I didn’t feel like her top on the left matched with the pants but I DO feel the one on the right is fine.

  6. The pants have GOT-TO-GO! That and I don’t find her as attractive as most people seem to think so. She is okay at best..nothing stunning.


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