Fresh Off The Runway

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One of the perks to walking the runway for a designer is you get to wear something right off the runway. At the Wills Fashion Week Bash, Mugdha wore a Satya Paul strapless dress that had just been showcased hours earlier.

Dig the dress?


Left: Satya Paul, Autumn 2009
Right: Mugdha Godse at WLIFW Bash


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  1. Priyanka wore a red version of this dress in “Fashion.”

    Mugdha still promoting “Fashion” designers !?
    But she does looks pretty & not a fan of the multi colored version but Priyanka looked nice in her scarlet red !

  2. why does mugdha always look like she does not want to hurt a 10 year old who wants to paint the model’s face with her mommy’s make up kit…isnt mugdha a top model…i wonder what she learnt in her fashion days.but she was lookin quite classy in her TV interviews for Fashion.


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