In Sameer Madan

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At a promotional event for her movie, Kriti was seen in a dress from Sameer Madan. I liked the top part design but not the frock bottom.

Speaking of the designer, find out inside which of her co-star wears two of his designs in one of the songs.

Kriti Sanon

Kareena Kapoor

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Love it! That’s a gorgeous colour on her. I don’t see the issue you pointed out with the bottom half. Classic clean A-line cut that complements her figire and height so well. She looks fab. Would’ve added some accessories in her hands – too bare.

  2. I can wear what I like …fine …okay …but take a deep breath and look around …is this really appropriate or even normal to wear ..does the crowd around you wear similar ? when you walk round dont you feel a bit self conscious with these clothes on? ….does the opposite gender wear something like this because they too can ? these are some questions we as women need to ask ourselves since somewhere we as women are making a commodity of ourselves.
    Where to draw the line is an individual decision but some thought needs to be given !

    • She is not walking in a crowd but promoting a movie. Don’t impose your ‘morals’ on her. Don’t see her being bothered by her choice. I guess she has drawn a line and she is comfortable with it but you are not.

      She looks smashing!

      • Plus 1 to Tamara. Only add to this is that women (specifically Bollywood women) are making a comedy (not commodity) of themselves. I think this dress looks pretty silly, lie how do you keep a straight face wearing innerwear on top of a skirt. I dont think the lead actor would walk around in chaddis and ganjis. Then why this ridiculous by the leading lady just to get eye balls.

        And to Sk’s comment , no one is imposing morals, but just calling a spade a spade for what it comes through. Emperor’s new clothes tale comes to mind!

        • Calling a spade a spade, but that is spade in your opinion not others. Its perception you see a spade as a playing card stylised spear head or like an equipment spade. May she has asked all those questions and she feels fine wearing it.

          • In this case its a spade digging a hole to fall in – this styling is as stifling as women forced to cover up head to toe. Why not be as stylish as you want but not wear this innerwear as outerwear nonsense just so it seems to be the norm to want to stand out wearing barely there.

      • You missed the point..Other lead actors ,directors,producers, production team etc they are all promoting the movie..dont see anyone dressed like this..why are women conditioned now to wear itty bitty clothes and call themselves liberal or modern. All you are doing is showcasing your assets in a ridiculuous manner..and its just us women doing that not men ! dont see a men promoting movies dressed in speedos or underwearish garments..why not ? would like to know..why dont men showcase their assetes wearing itty bitty clothes ?

      • +100 to Tamara

        We never see leading males topless or with unzipped pants.

        Wonder why?

        Only “ strong, successful, independent self reliant wealthy” BW women are constantly pandering to men!

        Oopar se “morals”! Face palm

      • She can wear what she likes, and we can say what we like. Right wing, left wing, 17th Century morality not withstanding. Seriously, how is a bra strapped on to a satin A-line skirt with a hook, “designer?” It is nothing more than gimmicky.

        Btw, feminism is not about morality or lack of it; it is about equity. Unfortunately, given the way women are forced to dress vis-a-vis male costars, there is no equality. Case in point – Kareena’s siren red sexy almost backless outfit with sky high sexy heels juxtaposed against a completely covered up Diljeet screams inequality – she is completely objectified. Reminds me of the YRF shoots in the snows of Switzerland – woman in a chiffon Saree, man in a coat, gloves and hat. The woman is either too poor to buy winter clothes, a complete nutcase, or trying to woo a man with her skimpy (for the mountains) outfit.

        Yes, in this era of social media I can see why people think it’s moralizing -actually it’s not, and it’s definitely not right wing. It’s a lot more left wing than you understand. For those of us who fought to go to work, and not have to greet our men with heels, this is back to the dark ages.

        • +100 to Katy !
          She got the point right on !
          women are again being conditioned to look sexy, wear barely there clothes while opposite gender is under no such obligation.
          Similar to the itsy bitsy ‘Bikinis’ women wear at the beach while men are in a much more covered swimwear.
          This is no equality but again pandering !
          Wake up Women

          • Yes!!!

            Spot on!!! NVR supposed to hail and applaud these near naked women for being “independent and progressive”.

            Interpretation of independence and modernity is to strip clothes off of women and convince them that they are equal to men

            • So don’t hail and don’t diss either… clothes are just clothes.. someone would like to wear a bralette to look/feel sexy while another would feel equally feminine in a salwar suit/sari. Get over this nonsensical rhetoric over what a celebrity is wearing. And we should absolutely refrain from passing harsh judgements. I do not think such fashion pages are meant for people who have such a big moral & social issue with FASHION

          • Men are Success objects and Women are Beauty objects. Big generalization I know but women trade up to find successful men and men look for objects of desire. Women are playing the game too sometimes under no pressure from men. Each side gets what they want. Why would this change?

    • What’s inappropriate here? And why does she have to blend into the crowd around her?
      Just FYI, since mythological times the opposite gender has been frequently walking around without a shirt on. We’ve seen our fathers & uncles wear nothing but thin cotton ‘lungis’ rolled up to their thighs.

      Our genitals are the only private parts in our body and they are covered here. Plus she’s at a movie promo, not a religious event.

    • There are so many problems with your comment, it’s hard to know where to start.

      These are famous people, they are not common folk. They don’t do things to blend in – by definition of a promotion, she is looking to stand out.

      Second, what you may feel uncomfortable in, is not something she may feel uncomfortable in. And asking such questions assumes that she is the same in this regard as you.

      Third, thank god for all people not dressing the same. Whether you consider this a win or a disaster, it certainly breaks the mold. Not to mention she carries it off amazingly.

      Finally, be nice. You saying crap like women are commoditizing themselves because of their clothes is backwards. Clothes dont commoditize anyone. They’re art – you can have an opinion on the art and styling, but don’t impose your morality on it or, in this case, the wearer of it.

      • unfortunately the glam brigade is conditioned to stand out by wearing the least amount of fabric.
        This kind of conditioning to always appear slim, hot, glamourous is being thrust upon most of the women in the glam world which then spills out onto general public and inspite of us living in a evolved society this is taking us back to ages where wearing the corset to show off slim waists was a norm.
        Women need to stop catering to this order to be truly liberal..

    • Though not clearly worded I get what Tamara means. Modern women’s fashion is the opposite of being fully covered up modesty norms. So women are required to highlight their “assets”, partticularly if they are in the entertainment industry. You can wear what you want but 100 years on bra tops, sheers etc and the insane amount of product and time required to stay depilated and toned to wear these will definitely be seen as restrictive to women.

      Plus any situation where the genders dress vastly differently feels off be it bare chested men and fully clad women or suited men and women in barely there clothing.

      So nothing wrong in not being on board with it. Not everyone who criticises is a moral scold.

    • This is a fashion blog. No one is asking you for your 14th century Victorian morality rants here. You dont like her dress? State that and nothing more. period.

      • you dont seem to get the crux of the matter. Callling this a morality rant is far from the point being made . This is actually going back to the era and even worse.
        Women now are expected to earn more and dress less in order to look hot and what not

        • Oh man this is so bang on … Study ass off earn as much as possible compete against men while looking hot thin n wat not… Do u girls even realise how deep a pit we r digging ourselves into… It’s just a win win win for men they can just focus on one thing… We r slogging on family job kids looks …… N the bar keeps raising every damn min

          • +100 to Aps
            See the point !
            We are doing too much, wearing too less and still pandering to the opposite gender and bowing before their is this any progress or equality

  3. Kriti has a lovely personality- an athletic, lithe body- no come hither pouty looks- she is carrying this rather weird outfit with elan.

  4. The comments on this blog are constantly veering towards right wing, conservative mentality, woman hating and shaming in the name of culture and I just cant stand it anymore. There used to be days when the comments were a critique of fashion, now its just moral policing, calling women names and exalting men no matter what they do. I guess it makes sense, reflective of India as a country and culture now. It frustrates me to no end, but also makes me glad I dont live there at least and stay away from desis here as well.

    • Huh! If one is on the left of politics the exploitative and regressive nature of consumerism which confines women to being objects of display is very much a thing.

      Also what is this about desis. Obsession with women’s looks and figure is huge in the West. Just look at the size and influence of their beauty industries.

      • Yes flaunting female nudity and semi nudity for selling cinema and other products was invented by the “esteemed progressive” West!!!

        The workplaces in the West are a cesspool of female exploitation

        Bewaqoofi wali comment

    • Nothing that reads right wing here. Such a random comment! Calling the look event inappropriate or unnecessarily baring, that actually takes away from the fashionable impact because it dilutes the look to make out look tacky cannot be deemed right wing.
      The fact that you disassociate from desis that are in des or pardes just reflects your intolerance while actually most of the blog followers are fairly balanced!
      … Singing off with what Kung Fu Panda says, Inner peace…

    • If you hate desis so much why oh why are you on a desi fashion blog? Do you not realize that you are stereotyping as much as the those right of center do?

  5. Bra strap, panty lines, cleavage, body shape, wrinkle – I wouldn’t want any girl to worry about any of this. It’s so tough being a girl. Live and let live na.

  6. What’s with these fugly boob cups these days? Alia wore something similar to filmfare awards as well. Are designers running out of fabric and ideas now?

  7. Shame on whoever runs this site constantly approving victim-blaming comments from these reactionary male-identified commentators about how women are objectifying themselves for simply wearing outfits like the one that Kriti is wearing. She’s not dressed like Rose McGowan at the ’98 VMAs. It’s a very basic cut-out silhouette. No one would blink at this dress in the West. They have men there too btw. Anything to take the blame away from the misogynistic Indian men who violate and objectify women and commit sexual violence at unprecedented rates.

    Some of you really sound more conservative than my mother’s hostel warden from the 80s. Pathetic doesn’t even begin to cover it. This used to be the go-to site for Desi fashion once upon a time but I see now that even Instagram and Reddit have less incendiary, faux-moralising takes and strictly discuss fashion.

    • Oh dear! This is so confused it is hard to unpick.

      If you havent picked up on the misogyny in the West and how rampant it is in the fashion and beauty industries then you have a long way to go. You only have to read early 2000s critiques of raunch culture to know that this is not even new except that women are co-opted into thinking it is empowering or a sign of freedom. Also this comparison between West and India is tiresome.

      Kriti is hardly a victim here and no one is blaming her. Most comments are about nothingburger clothes sexed up and sold as high fashion.

  8. Bravo AM! Who cares how misogynistic anyone else is and how emancipated women in the west are. Are we only striving to be as “good/bad” as them? How about considering our own yardstick and striving to set a new benchmark?

    Misogyny is alive and kicking in the west – let’s not forget the glass ceiling and Me too movement. In my personal experience, having been told a male colleague needs a promotion more than I do because he heads a family, and comforting a clinical student told by a male attending that she should wear heels under her white coat to enhance her legs, it all screams of exploitation. All this at an extremely “prestigious” Ivy. It’s no better, it’s no more prestigious. It’s the same old crap.

    When men wearing cut outs and heels is normalized, when SRK is as skimpily dressed as Deepika and gyrates more than her, and when he makes as little as her, I will be believe misogyny is dead. Until then, allow the rest of us to say and feel what we want about poorly designed, ill fitting and badly made clothes.


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