In DvF

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Hansika attended the Vijay Awards wearing a white DvF maxi, one that we’ve also seen on Deepika (see hereeight is now a five.

P.S. Check back later for better pics.


Hansika at Vijay Awards 2014

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  1. I actually think this dress looks a lot better on Hansika than Deepika… it compliments Hansika’s body while on Deepika it looked too baggy

  2. what are you talking about.. she looks much better than the model or Deepika in this outfit and the shoes go perfectly fine given the event and with the dress.. stop patronizing Deepika and putting down lesser known stars

  3. Shoes are not that bad as much as u guys are exaggerating it!! The shoes look really nice in the left pic but in the right pic it looks diff and bad but also because of the bad photo quality!

  4. Though these photos aren’t the best, but, man, she looks better than DP in that gown! And no don’t mind the shoes at all and I do love them jhumkis!

  5. Actually, I don’t the earrings go very well with the gown. Hansika looks good I just don’t care too much about this gown.

  6. lo kar lo baat!

    what is wrong with the shoes? i think they are pretty sexy…and an all white gown is difficult to carry off but i think she is doing a good job here….how far she has come from her shaka laka boom boom n koi mil gaya days! 😀

  7. Deepika was styled so much better! Though the dress looks good on hansika (thanks to her skintone), her jhumkis are out of place and shoes are tacky!

  8. I just like the fact that two different body types look so good in the same dress. Love the sheen on the gown, remind me slightly of fish scales. Hansika’s earrings are cute and the shoes are not so bad, compliments the gown actually.

  9. Can’t make out that the shoes look that bad in these pics. They don’t bother me but I don’t like the jhumkas. She needed different accessories


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