Beauty And The…

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Ok, so Harman aint beastly looking yet, but is it me or is Priyanka getting hotter with every passing day and Harman ghastlier!

For once I would like for him to look crisp and clean and at par with the ravishing Piggy Chops!

priyanka_zapak1.JPG piggy_zapak.jpg

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  1. sigh! you are right.. with a waist like that..who wouldnt be!!!not fair on us lesser mortals!

    i think harmans just-out-of-bed-and-had-to-dash look is soo unimpressive.. he needs to get a stylist now.. or maybe PC could help!;)

  2. I love hertop! What is it and where can I get it from?!!

    She looks good here, but I didn’t think she was large before. Hopefully she won’t lose too much more weight because then she’ll look like a lollipop head. Like Kareena. As much as I wanted to abstain from saying her name, it’s the best example.

  3. She is one of the few bollywood ladies who can carry off the skinny jeans since she has small hips, waist and long slim legs.
    Her haircut is much disccused in her recent pics. I read somewhere that her hair got fried because she had to constantly change her hair color from black to red for this movie so she had to cut it. Apparently, she was pretty upset & regretful about the whole thing.

  4. love everything about that outfit. Priyanka manages to carry it off really well. Love the red shoes with the jeans and love the top. Personally I would never be able to carry that top that well but she does a magnificent job there.

  5. she looks gr8….maybe after lovestory 2050 she’ll begin to think about dumping herman…she deserves someone with more sophistication…

  6. i think shes starting to look REAL GOOD now is b/c of her makeup..i think its now being done by mickey contractor and he is like the best of the best makeup artists..


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