In Sabyasachi
Considering Sabyasachi was the costume designer of ‘Paa’, it was no surprise to see these two ladies sport creations by the designer at the premiere. Vidya gave us a more traditional look with pulled back hair and mogra in the hair, while Aishwarya went for a more sexy look by way of a lace sari and red lips. Even though Vidya’s hair bothers me a tad but, my vote went to her just because I liked her sari more. Wish Ash’s was a solid black instead of lace-y.
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Vidya Balan and Aishwarya Rai at ‘Paa’ Premiere
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani
I liked both the sarees but I think Vidya would have looked much better than Ash had she worn some lipstick.
VIDYA! She looks soo beautiful, loove the sari and the whole overall ‘image’ she is going for. Beautiful!
i think the main piece of ash’s outfit is her sleeves. wish we had a better picture.
Usually it’s Ash who’s dressing conservatively these days…I agree w/ you – don’t like her saree or her red lipstick!
Vidya is looking better with a more conservative look – love her saree. It’s possible her hair was done that way to portray her character as the Maa.
Overall, I’d say Vidya looks better than Ash.
vidya is looking sooo beautiful. I love her sari.
Aishwarya is all dressed for a halloween party.
My thoughts exactly!
wonder why she had to dress sexy..scared much?
i think that red lips are not at all looking sexy on miss pink panther !!! 😛
vidya looks gorgeous here!
Aishwarya has velvet blouse?? Are you sure MM is not around??
vidya’s sari is definitely more beautiful but i like both.
ash’s blouse, what little i can see of it, looks very interesting.
three quarter sleeve blouses seem to the trend now…prefer them to the bra blouses, they look more classier.
Finally, Vidyda proves me right!! She finally comes off looking miles ahead of the “Bahu”
But why does she wear the same blouse again again and again?
Both looked pretty but I have to say WOW WOW to Ash for glamming it up!!:) This red and black combo plus red lipstick..she is totally looking the part of hostess of the event 🙂
Ash looks very sexy.Vidya is in her comfort zone here and so pulls it off. I saw some other pictures of ash at the same event where she kept covering her stomach.It looked weird.Nevertheless she looks awesome.
nope I beg to differ here…coz i think Aishwarya looks far better than Vidya! I loved Ash’s lacy saree esp. that deep red blouse! This lady sure knows how to wear her sarees!!
As regard to Vidya…I can’t stand her outdated blouse and don’t dig her saree as well…she desperately needs a stylist!!
exuse me but ur very own ash wore that outdated blouse at Oprah 🙂
Luv vidhya’s saree more….his website needs to be updated
In the 2nd picture……right under where she’s holdig her clutch…..why is there a color other than black? Is that her petticoat or skin?
No I think its just the light bouncing off her saree.
Vidya looks so gorgeous, what an underrated beauty. The weight loss looks great on her. I LOVE her sari! Next to her, Aishwarya looks overly-made up and unfit; maybe because Ash’s weight gain shows on her face a lot.(I know I am going to be facing a lot of wrath from Ash fans and accused of being jealous, maybe?)
I agree. Also, Ash’s hair looks horribly flat-ironed and fried..somehow overall she’s unimpressive.
Ash’s red lips are over the top…and against that caked up foundation just makes her look like the kinda make-up the 90’s heroines used to wear…I like vidya’s sari…but her hair do is so boring…
lipstick on ash is too red.. but she looks great as usual
I like vidya’s saree better… yes i do agree that her hair isn’t working. I liked her red saree look during IIFA 2006… that hair style would’ve worked
ASH looks better. she shd do smthing diff w/ her hair
natural vs. plastic, fresh vs. jaded, elegant vs. OTT…vidya wins this hand down!!
really. it’s there for everybody to see. beautiful without trying too hard..comfortable in her own skin and then the person who got stuck with OR rather has to live up to a self created tag of *most beautiful* if something like that even exists. Ash will find it harder as the years grow…
on another note Vidya looks pristine..something you can’t ascribe to mrs. constipated
How does this get approved P&P?
whats P&P
Us. Payal/Priyanka. 🙂
Couldn’t agree with you more!
I hate when people put their own presumptions on other people.. when Rani had her weight loss and was wearing maxi dresses she was “uncomfortable in her own skin, should stick to her mother india look, looks like she is trying too hard” and etc, now it’s Ash who supposedly is trying too hard and not comfortable in her own skin. It’s all in our own heads and rather it is us that is uncomfortable looking at celebrities outside of the pretty little box that we like to put them in fashion wise. I don’t know I’m totally fine with people’s comments on clothing but personal attacks like “mrs. constipated” is just below the belt…it’s these kinds of comments that cause “Ash fans” to call people jealous..because “Ash haters” often shoot below the belt. If you truly were indifferent to Ash then people would be able to say things in a more respectful manner! In this picture.. I like Vidya’s sari a lot more and her makeup and hair as well… I appreciate that Ash did something a little bit different with the red lips and all at least she tried. I too don’t like the lace.
I agree!
no Sharin. This is not a personal attack. It is merely a perspective on someone who beats the drum about being the epitome of “beauty’..a vague and illusive concept with social ramifications. When you make absolute assertions about yourself in a democracy, you expect as I’m sure even she does, disbelief and critiques. Afterall one is striving to set themselves apart from others, anyone who wishes to can questions those grounds.
Please refer to some of the comments below referring to Vidya as a “kaam vaali”. Are you prepared to get worked up over a classist comment?
And for the record I am neither an “ash fan” or a “ash hater” as you have so neatly divided the world at her majesty’s behest.. I am merely an observer and student amused that someone in this day and age can get away with an absolute territory and bear no responsibilities in turn.
also i am equally interested in fashion. good day to you.
vidya is wearing the saree really well….
gosh! she looks great 🙂 in comparison ash looks ok.
isnt vidya wearing the same blouse as last time with the green sabyasachi …? did she buy mix-n-match pieces 😉 love her earrings and batua.
by the way – ash’s boob showing saree – thumbs up from me 😉 totally not vulgar! after last time’s controversy…dont kill me for opening THAT can of worms! 🙂 hee hee hee
I actually love both looks, but I have this thing with super-glossy lips. Especially in red. I ALWAYS prefer a matte lip. Vidya’s saree is what I would choose, but I like that Ash chose something different.
I said Both because I don’t like Ash’s lipstick.. and i don’t like vidya’s hair
Ash looks like a Chandni Bar girl ! Makeup is too loud !
Vidya looks much better and looks like my mom did her hair … I can smell amma’s Parachute coconut oil from here !
Love love Ash here!! Vidya also looks lovely but her sari is very similar to what Ash wore on Oprah show and on such a special night she could have gone with something that have not been seen before .. But nonetheless they both look great and both of them together make a pretty picture:)
They both look fantastic! Dig the red lipstick on Aishwarya. For once she is not playing down her full lips!
I wish more people would flowers in their hair. Its so Indian, so feminine.
guys, is it the trend to wear a metallic or other color petticoat under transparent sari?
its all the rage in india… actually it was a rage last year… dunno wats happening with it now tho.
yup… i checked … its the same blouse from the green sabyasachi saree …
vidya looks awesome!i sooooooooo love the sari!
VIDYA looks gorgeous .. i think even the hair goes with the over all look .. i soooo want the jhumka’s and the saari and the batwa …..
cheers vidya, you finally did it!! a perfectly draped saree with perfect accessories. the saree itself is lovely, and vidya looks gorgeous.
took me a minute to digest the vampish Aishwarya tho. me no like.
i second tht!!!
I too agree with you precious.
vidya looks good….ashs saree not hapenin!
i feels ash’s saree would look better had it not been lacey.. and some how her hair color looks a little off with the whole get up…the red lipstick is a welcome change though..
Vidya however plays it safe & looks good
Vidya Balan dear,.. i know parineeta was ur first film and u constantly strive to relive those days (when you were considered the next madhuri dixit in wings,,,, as compared to now when you have to start playing the amma roles)…
But honey.. its 2009 going on 2010… dont u think u need to snap out of ur parineeta mode ALREADY
agreed,shes a big aunty
Uhh no she looks gorgeous whats so ‘aunty’ about her? Whats ‘aunty’ anyway?
lol.. I use the term auntie for Aishwarya when she wears those conservative boring pantsuits.
Aunty is what you call any Indian lady over 30, as compared to didi (elder sister)… in colloqial use, it means a lady with an outdated / nonexistent fashion sense who tries waaay to hard to be the cats whiskers…
Gorgeous is an overstatement, she can only look nice with good clothes (of a certain type), hair and makeup styled a certain way (which i call her parineeta look)
LOL@cats whiskers. I’m going to particulary look out for your comments when VidyaB makes a presence on this site.:D
Haha! Spot on. She always has this auntyji look to her. When was paired with Shahid, man, she looked like his older sister.
Vidya looks absolutely divine – she stands out from all the other ladies at the event, and her look is so well put together and flawless. Apart from her shade of lipstick, Ash looks fabulous too – it’s a fun flirty sari, and she wears it with elan as usual.
I perefr Ash’s saree but Vidya looks much, much, much better. Ash’s make up is too. tool, too lous and she is looking plump.Is that her thigh showing under the saree or a shiny/lurex underskirt!!!
vidya looks grt but somehow her sari reminds me of the sari ash wore in oprah.considering the fact it was done by the same designer.i wish he had choosen something diff for vidya.neways she looks grt
LOL! This is a poll and we already have thirty something commnets! Happened before?? But this is Ash so the brickbaters cannot sleep well and still wonder how this girls makes more money than most indian lead actors !!!
whats aish ka hair it burgandy.she looks gorgeous.her happiness reflects n tat makes her pretty
matching the lipstick with the blouse wasn’t that great an idea.. The colour is too dark for me..
Love Vidhya’s over all look but the transperent midsection is a little akward!
For a change, I love Ash in this! Vidya’s sari is definitely better, but seriously, the side-parting makes her look like a typical Tam Brahm “paati” ( grand-mother)!
Well she is a Palakad brahm..
IMO Ash’s saree is way too ugly. Ash glamorized it with red lips.
Vidya’s saree is really nice but she looks bored. hair need help.
I am not sure this is her in character look…
girls vidya is wearing ” ditto ” same sari as the one ash wore at oprah 🙂
Yeah it is the same sari except the border is wider and the polka dots on the blouse are bigger on Vidya’s sari.
PP is this ur opinion’s influence or does Vidya really looks better than Aish–that Vidya winning votes. Its not the saris, but the way they pull it off. Vidya had wasted this beautiful sari with dull make-up & hair.
What a site..2 of the prettiest women in it! They both look sooo gorgeous….Do we need to pick 1 over the other?? pls dont…they both look super…different styles for both…apples and oranges…..I love them both. period.
where is jaya?
the more ilook at ash’s sari the less i like it. it now looks like some creature chewed something and spat it out
The combination of ash’ s hair color & red lips is making her look very wired .. I don’t like her sari. Especially the copper in it is looking bad.
Vidya is looking elegant.
I think Aish looks great…very sexy and sophisticated.
I cant even look past her to comment on Vidya, actually
Love Aish’s sari! The mahogany hair ruins her look though. I wish she’d leave her hair in its natural black state for once; bleached/dyed hair completely dilutes her features.
Vidya needs a light lipgloss or lipstick! Thatz the only thing missing in her look else she looks fab!
I don’t mind Ash’s saree but her red lips are bothering – she should have actually gone for deep maroon lips coz that would’ve matched the saree border. Her face can definitely carry off that bright red color but with that saree, it looks odd as the lip color & saree colors don’t match!
On a separate note, I don’t like the middle picture with both women slouching! Stand straight when wearing a saree!!!
Both lovely!! I love white sarees especially.
Sharin & lg….just njoyed reading ur comments..i loved wat both the ladies are wearing !
After all its Sabyasachi..& he has never a bad day…
Ash pulled it off damn efforlessely…& as for Vidya…she looks damn elegant !
that red lipstick on aish is bothering my eyes. it looks gross. toooo much!
lacy sarees and sarees with frill broders are the lastest trend! care to update ur knowledge??
i’m not really seeing any frills here. both borders are heavily embellished, but they are also FLAT and NOT ruched.
care to explain?
i think this is the first time i have truly appreciated aishwarya, because she usually has such dowdy dress sense (read: ill-fitting gowns, unsuitable necklines, boring prints, strange hem lengths). she looks amazing here, and i don’t even wear sarees, but i definitely want to wear the one she’s got on! the lips are fab too, and the hair color is a great contrast as well – chic.
vidya looks outstanding. contrary to the beliefs of fellow commentators, i love the blouse. it’s very orthodox – very sabyasachi because his work is fashions of yore with a twist, it’s quirky and unexpected – and reminds me of my mother’s very excellent dress sense, three-quarter sleeves and all. and the saree (also) is TO DIE FOR! and her earrings: i want. badly. she’s dressing in a way that so many others can be inspired by, while giving her own spin on it and keeping true to the designer’s quirk.
I like both saarees .I am not personal fan of Aish but i liked here sari a lot.Though red lips are classic and should go well per dress color but dint suit her.
And she seems covering her belly bcos of sheerness of sari.
Vidya looks so feminine in sarees .Here earrings seems overly big here and hair could been let loose.
For those who says ‘outdates saree/blouse’
i guess both saris were already worn in olden times .
‘what goes around ,comes around’ ,and these designers have this job to bring/recreate oor set the trends.
If a normal person like me ,wears thess ,i would be called as wearing ‘o’utdated’ but if designer -dresses the models, we call it ,it is ‘IN TREND’ again.
Ash with a more natural hair colour.
OMG i cant even believe ppl like Vidya more. i luv Aish and i luved this luk on her.