An Almost Ditto!

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Funny how at the same event, both Zarine and Neelam ended up dressing quite similarly… You know this begs the question… Who donned her casual avatar better?


Zarine Khan (left) And Neelam Kothari At ‘Luxe Lover’ Collection Preview

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. Without doubt….NEELAM fairs much much better.

    Zarine is so filmy looking. Just check out her parting hair and the way her shades rest on her hair so unnatural.

    • just what i was thinking….

      neelam wins my vote just for not desperately sucking her tummy. zarine looks like such a wannabe here.

  2. Neelam hands down – because she looks effortless, Zarine looks like she’s trying too hard… just seems like she spent 5 hours on her face and then another 50minutes perfecting that pose!

  3. Neelam obviously…. I just soo love this look for summers.. lovethe way she has coordinated the bag, belt, shoes (just heart them!)… I am going to copy the look for sure….

    • And since I am not a celebrity that P & P will put a picture of … there will be no debate / fuss abt copying / taking inspiration from Neelam aka SJP/Sonam… :))

  4. Wow I like everything Neelam is wearing. I want that shirt, those wonderfully fitting capris, the shoes, the bag, ALL. Not sure if I’d take those shoes and that bag with the outfit though.

  5. gotta say..this is my fav zarine appearance..she looked terrible in all her other appearances. atleast here she is a bit cas and manages to look nice.
    but i would pick Neelam..she looks better

  6. Neelam as usual is so classy..its funny how an almost ditto outift looks so different on differnt people..goes to show that you need that inborn sense of style..otherwise opt for stylist!!

  7. I’d vote for Neelam’s outfit …the longer sleeve length and the belt dress it up a little bit. Zarine’s t-shirt looks like something you’d pick up in Walmart and the shoes are horrible.


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