Of Promotions

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Vidya continued promotions for Shakuntala Devi sporting more labels and if you’ve been following her on social media, her outfits are also a way for promoting local labels, a cause we definitely support.

Having said that though, wearing 4 outfits in a day seems a bit excessive to me. But, that’s my opinion. Am guessing, since the bandwidth for the promotional tour is limited, she wants to get to get the word out on as many labels as she can.

In Anavila

In Urvashi Kaur, Udd, Taassur & Punit Balana

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani/PR Pictures

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  1. There is no excuse for not wearing a mask while outdoors. Doesn’t matter if she looks great, safety trumps fashion now.

  2. She looks fabulous in all! All of us want to play dress up at this point so I wouldn’t blame her for the numerous changes!

  3. The orange dress is the only one that does justice to her. The rest are very stuffy and puffy, and not the best choice. She should skip close necks and sleeves that stop at her elbows as that artificially gives a stuffy vibe. Deep necks and long sleeves look much more graceful on her as did the Orange outfit.
    Also letting her hair down looks divine on her!!!!

  4. She is keeping it really interesting. I would wear every single outfit. My fav is the Taasur here.
    I remember kangana pairing a similar saree (same pink with red hearts) with a cream blouse. I think that cream suited better but Vidya looks amazing in it anyway.


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