The One That Started It All…

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Two should have been quite enough, but a third!!! And it seems like this one started it all!

The gold I could still take in.. but that silver halter! Eeeks!

Delhi DareDevils Fashion Show, Early May 2008
Musical Nite, Ahmedabad, June 2008
CIABC Event, Mumbai, Late May 2008

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  1. i really dun mind grey one cuz i hv seen ppl luk gud in this style n color but its the blouse,make-up ,accessories n almost everythng else tht totally ruins it!

  2. i think u missed out on one, she wore it on Bombay Times’ cover page and it’s in pista green, exact same design!

    by the by did u see the dress worn by priyanka chopra in
    has been worn by Shilpa Shetty in the latest issue of Cosmo india’s denim edition page 6. plz check it out and tell me what you think!!! wish i cud scan in the pics.. will try and find it online if i can

  3. OMG!! Tell me, we regular non-celeb people would never do something like this, so why would a well-known, much-photographed, much-criticized girl do that????
    Its bizarre to say the least.
    In the previous two, she makes up for the bling with her smile, but in this b&w thingie, her make-ups making her look an unnatural deep-brown which isnt pretty!

  4. I think she buys the sarees in lots… or she’s been gifted all of them by a not so well meaning designer. this style of the saree and the halter-neck blouse is almost like a uniform with mandira.

  5. hey PnP.. check out Star Ones zara nachke dikha event.. there are some WTheys lurking there.. saw a ghastly see thru blue shirt there!!

  6. We want the old Mandira of Shanthi back!! I remember we all used to copy her style of crisp cotton clothes and an arrow Bindi in school. And wat is wrong with her hair? She definitely needs some hairapy!

  7. oh god! that chik’s dressing is going downhill. whatever happened to that sweet girl in ddlj? i cannot stand her hair!!!

    Hey PnP, do you divas live in US or India? Just curious – just wanna knwo where for my fave blogistas reside. =)

  8. Haha, what more can I add after all the previous comments! My sentiments exactly :P…Anywayz P & P I have a favor and I guess its a little out of the way since it doesn’t involve an Indian celeb, but I am in LOVE with the bracelet Charlize Theron sported at the London premiere of Hancock (on both wrists!! which was a lil weird!). Anywayz I am sure it costs a fortune but I just haven’t been able to find who it is by…Gawd I’ll be grateful if you would try to find out, u guys are just soooooo good at this sort of stuff, and I am DYING to know..thnx

  9. I like the hair actually. She looks chic. But none of these saris..I can’t decide which of these 3 should get the crown :-). And they look scratchy too.

  10. she looks pretty in purple! In grey she looks washed out! Her hair is messy! She looked pretty in Shanthi. Now she seems to be changing too much & too quickly to new styles!

  11. Mandira’s previous two hair styles were to die for. I mean the woman rocked in the curly big hair and sleek straightened tresses. Why did she hav to do this ? I mean this hair style of for peopel who suck at keeping their hair long.

  12. Oh. My. God.

    @Bela…haiye rabba, theres ANOTHER ONE!?!? Please can someone find it??? LoL

    hair needs to go. actually it’s all just so tacky.


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