Both Patralekhaa and Shibani opted for Anamika Khanna‘s signature cape-style outfits for the Gala. Wearing their hair up, both ladies rounded out the look by layering necklaces and adding multiple rings and cuffs, with the former opting for silver-toned jewelry and the latter, gold-toned.
Both outfits are heavy on detail and interesting but the styling takes away from their look. I wish Patralekhaa had picked a less intrusive potli and Shibani, a sleeker hair do and different sandals. As it stands though, between the two, my vote would have to go to Patralekhaa- the look was just put together better. And despite the busy outfit and bag, she looked good.
As for Rajjkumar and Farhan’s outfits, not my jam.
Rajkummar Rao And Patralekhaa
Farhan Akhtar And Shibani Dandekar
Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani