Sonakshi shot for more episodes Indian Idol Jr. sporting blue Madison separates, a red Sakshi Mehra dress and printed Clover Canyon separates paired with a black blazer. While she looked nice in all three, the first two looks had us in a bit of the already-seen-it mood and don’t blame us for feeling that way. We did see the Madison on Hansika and the red and gold pairing on Kriti.
Which of her three look do you like her best in? Ours was the Clover Canyon one.
P.S. She is wearing Pheddies sandals with the Madison look, Outhouse earrings and an Eina Ahluwalia ring with the red dress and a Ra Abta headpiece with the Clover Canyon separatea.
Sonakshi Sinha in Madison, Sakshi Mehra & Clover Canyon on Indian Idol Jr.
Photo Credit: Instagram