In Global Desi

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For her appearance at a recent event, Swara picked a Global Desi jumpsuit to wear. By this time, you know we are suckers for some color. But, it really was hard to look past the overzealous use of bronzer; such a downer. Bit of a miss this.

P.S: Click on images to enlarge.

Swara Bhaskar

Swara Bhaskar

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. The bronzer is the least of her problems. That jumpsuit does not fir her well or suit her. The undergarments are another issue

  2. So, Swara purchased an expensive bronzer, saved it for special occasion because it was too expensive to use it on regular days; one fine day she came to know that expiry date of the product is the same day, she was so sad to waste that expensive product, and applied the entire thing.

  3. this is such a let down. The outfit makes Swara look like a lamp post, not at all flattering! The make is god-awful, why do good looking women do this to themselves?


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