Twice As Nice?

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Suneet Verma it may be, but this gown didn’t impress us the last time except for its deep color and it still doesn’t the second time around.

Left: Suneet Verma Show, HDIL Couture Week
Right: Poison Relaunch

Suzanne Roshan in Suneet Verma

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  1. Something that we saw somewhere before on someone sometime.. this color, this style…hmmm…

    Its better for some people not to wear dresses tight on the waistline.

    It only works a bit because she is very pretty.

  2. EW…BOTH OF THEM LOOK HORRENDOUS!!! WAT HAPPENED???? i used to really like suzanne khan….she looks all papaya here…..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. LMAO – I like Hrithik and Suzanne as a couple. But they both look terrible at this event.

    Suzanne is wearing an ill-fitting dress in the wrong color for her skin tone with dead hair.

    While Hrithik seems to think he is a member of a boy band – he’s too old for this outdated look. He looks like he is wearing a costume from a bad movie. Please go back to the casual elegant look.

  4. @Carol- exxxaccltyyyyy
    that gown looks like she ate something before coming to the red carpet and on the way barfed it all out on her dress…and then it stuck there and dried and now hrithik’s hugging her, going ‘it’s okay, my looks’ll save you.’
    boohoo.oh and one more thing- BLACK NAILPOLISH?! on her?! NAWWWW.


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