OH MY GOD.. where the HELL IS SUCHI GOING????????????????????????????????
how can one leave the house LOOKING LIKE THAT???????
Okay seriously was this a costume party or is she in a vintage mod-disco mood at the wrong place? Haha I just realised suchitra looks as if she could just flap those wings and fly. Hah!
PS: I think Madhoo’s pants needed surgery. They must’ve stuck my poor limping neighbour’s rod in there.
Madhoo looks decent next to Suchitra!! WHAT ON EARTH was she thinking!! I think she was there for a costume party…no one can look like this otherwise!!
Suchitra has had decent taste in the past. Something tells me this was completly intended on her side as no woman with an iota of dress sense will wear this and expect to look good.
P&P, you have to confirm that Suchitra wasn’t dressed this way for a stupid stage performance.. this is truly unbelievable!
But I’d like to know where I can buy the exact same outfit from.. could gift it to my best pal on her birthday.. hehe.. just to kill her day!
Suchitra Pillai needs to enrol herself into some kind of rehab (i am not sure what kind yet) for this blunder. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN ANYONE WEAR THIS IN PUBLIC…OR EVEN PRIVATE!!! I think I am having an embolism.
OMG.. look at those illfitting sleeves.. just look at them.. its hideous!! and the color.. my eyes hurt.. SUCHITRA PILLAI>> hope u come in peace.. coz u might get knocked down as u look like an alien
I am refraining from saying anything becos both are buds, but I have to admit even I want to curl my toes…..lovely girls but every body slips, forgive them people
Arjun asked me to sew both those suits….
actually Arjun sewed one and I sewed the other while we were in our non veg madness!
Achla loved it and wants to choreogtraph a show with her wearing both – for opening and closing…
the moment i saw this pic..i laughed in disbelief and than i got this weird scary feeling that Suchitra has just come back from space to terminate human’ sense of dressing!!
Madhoo does she even stand a chance??
OH MY GOD.. where the HELL IS SUCHI GOING????????????????????????????????
how can one leave the house LOOKING LIKE THAT???????
ouch. my eyes hurt.
No Effing way!! ! cant believe someone would wear such monstrosities outside of Halloween.
TOP OF THE LIST THERE.. i am still shaking my head in disbelief
no contest here…as weird as Madhoo’s pants are…Suchitra belongs on a different planet!
ehm…the spacesuit does it for me
OMG…my head hurts…” shakes her head in disbeleif.. makes weird face… and thinks what could make a woman wear THAT??
:))))))))))))))) Suchitra wins hands down.
madhooo doesnt even deserve to be in the WTHeyyy … when suchitra is dressed tat way !!
Omg!!!!!!!!!!!Well atleast madhoo is wearing clothes made for a human being and not sumthing dat a UFO accicentally dropped……
Okay seriously was this a costume party or is she in a vintage mod-disco mood at the wrong place? Haha I just realised suchitra looks as if she could just flap those wings and fly. Hah!
PS: I think Madhoo’s pants needed surgery. They must’ve stuck my poor limping neighbour’s rod in there.
I’m dying. Ha
what was suchitra thinking? tres funny.
ok did no one tell these ladies how ridiculous they looked?
and who hid their mirrors????? very atrocious outfits!!
Madhoo looks decent next to Suchitra!! WHAT ON EARTH was she thinking!! I think she was there for a costume party…no one can look like this otherwise!!
to Suchitra: OMG honey! you need help desperately!!!
Suchitra has had decent taste in the past. Something tells me this was completly intended on her side as no woman with an iota of dress sense will wear this and expect to look good.
Madhoo looks fine next to suchitra.
OMG….what the heyy……!
LOL – Halloween in September.
P&P, you have to confirm that Suchitra wasn’t dressed this way for a stupid stage performance.. this is truly unbelievable!
But I’d like to know where I can buy the exact same outfit from.. could gift it to my best pal on her birthday.. hehe.. just to kill her day!
Suchitra Pillai needs to enrol herself into some kind of rehab (i am not sure what kind yet) for this blunder. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN ANYONE WEAR THIS IN PUBLIC…OR EVEN PRIVATE!!! I think I am having an embolism.
suchitra looks like she has landed from a space ship! Planet unknown!
WTF. what in world can justify such bad taste or wateva. what aws suchi thinking. i hope she sees this post. i badly hope she does. :P:P:P:P:P:P
O-EM-GEE! Suchitra makes Madhu look like a million dollars lol…
OMG.. look at those illfitting sleeves.. just look at them.. its hideous!! and the color.. my eyes hurt.. SUCHITRA PILLAI>> hope u come in peace.. coz u might get knocked down as u look like an alien
Star Wars called…they’re missing their alien buddies!
suchitra’s suit, but only if there are retractable wings that’ll make me fly.
I am refraining from saying anything becos both are buds, but I have to admit even I want to curl my toes…..lovely girls but every body slips, forgive them people
OMG…OMG whats wrong with Suchi? everything within that frame is terribely wrong…….
The horror, the sheer indescribable horror of Suchitra’s dress!!!
SHE WAS LITERALLY DRESSD IN DARK ……………………gosh dat is so uglyyyyyyyyyy
Arjun asked me to sew both those suits….
actually Arjun sewed one and I sewed the other while we were in our non veg madness!
Achla loved it and wants to choreogtraph a show with her wearing both – for opening and closing…
suchitra looks a creature from an outside world
and madhoo has bought her clothes frm fashion street i guess…
the moment i saw this pic..i laughed in disbelief and than i got this weird scary feeling that Suchitra has just come back from space to terminate human’ sense of dressing!!
Madhoo does she even stand a chance??