Sari Style

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Sridevi received her Padmashri in Delhi today wearing neither an MM nor a Sabya but a traditional pink sari which was quite a surprise. A good one at that.

While I found the addition of the necklace too much for the look, she looked pretty nevertheless.


Sridevi Receives Her Padma Shri in Delhi

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  1. Pretty? She looks so freakin’ beautiful!!! Wow!! *mouth wide open*
    Yes it is a little much, but she’s Sridevi so who cares.

  2. Her attire is so befitting the occasion. Even the necklace. I am so glad she went with a traditional saree instead of boring designer saree. She looks like a million bucks!!

    • Sri looks absolutely fantastic..Glad that she chose a traditional sari over bling.
      does anyone remember what Priyanka Chopra wore while receiving her best actress award from President??

  3. Love thy necklace! *swoon*
    While I personally agree that necklace is too much, it reminds me of how my mother insists on me wearing a neckpiece every time I wear sari to a wedding. She thinks whole look is incomplete without some jewellery and bindi.
    Mummy wins here, as usual!

  4. That additional necklace Only she can carry off like that ! I m kid of 90’s but she puts all actresses after n before her to shame in Dress up game

  5. Sridevi looks good alright. With makup, heavy saree and jewellery
    But look at the guy standing behind her. How handsome he looks in that uniform :)))

  6. I think she looks beautiful. Love the necklace with saree as well. Just out of curiousity, what kind of jewellery you have accesssorized that sari with?

  7. She looks so damn gud..nothin wrong with the necklace or makeup…Thats how u dress in traditionals…sometimes a little bling is gud..;)

    • agree.. +1 ..think there is nothing wrong here..she is perfectly fine and necklace suits the sari well..its traditional and elegant unlike midriff…one boob pallu bearing flimsy sarees most recent actresses don…

  8. A big WOW and a thunderous applause for this magic since decades. Wondering, how she makes ppl drool over her even with kgs of attire on a 50 yr old body. HH, there are a lots of better Quality pics of this event all over net. Specially in a pic clicked on her way to the stage and all eyes on her from behind. She knocks out all those so called cool hot babes of todays.

  9. Are u kidding me payal ???? seriously the necklace is too much ? Whats up with you guys these days ?She is decked perfectly from head to toe and removing the necklace does not do justice for the look . I am almost on the verge of quitting reading your blog with your judgements these days !! What happened to the gals who started the HHC ??? Please bring them back !!!!

  10. In the absolute minority here, wish she’d picked a darker color traditional saree that was less shiny and toned down on the makeup! I think the saree is too gaudy and makeup garish..

    • She looks beautiful, like the necklace. By far the best dressed actress for the event.
      But little overdressed.
      I agree that little less shiny saree with simple necklace would have suited the event better.

  11. Dont u guyz think dat it was given to her so late!!!
    she deserved it in 90’s, but dats the irony of india..

    neverthless she looked damn good …a GODDESS!!!

  12. Stunning!! & unlike you have no problems with the necklace but have a minor gripe with the blouse. Wish she had chosen a plain one.

  13. Sridevi looks fabulous and love how she rocked the silk sari – @50, she is more stunning than wannabes who are decades younger than her!

  14. Sigh… so beautiful! She gets it right almost every single time! Mogras, perfect makeup and appropriately dressed for the occasion. Dyamm!! How does she do it… even at 50 !


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