Sridevi on Hi! Blitz: (Un)Covered

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The March edition of Hi! Blitz features Sridevi on the cover wearing a Mayyur Girotra. This was a cover we didn’t like at all. The make-up was bad and we couldn’t figure where the upholstery ended and the outfit began.


Sridevi on Hi!Blitz Mar 2014

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  1. Ghastly makeup and the outfit blends in wayyy too much with the background. They captured her at the wrong angle and made her look like a lifeless doll.

  2. Help a skinny martian with a ghastly make up is reclining on a sofa which has trans mutated to her skin colour and texture !!

  3. I cant believe they had sridevi to work with and turned her into a lifeless plastic doll. That too in dull colours and birds-next hair.

  4. The photoshoppers at Hi Blitz have done such a terrible job, did Sridevi have no approval rights on the photo? Brings so many things to mind, none good… That East Asian fad to look like plastic dolls, that lady who’s transforming herself into a real-life Barbie, and most recently and horribly, that cringe-inducing Kim Novak moment at the Oscars.

  5. This Hi Blitz cover states “Sridevi All Hail The Queen” but she looks like a queen who has lost her throne and her kingdom…were they trying to show the out of the bed look of such a queen i wonder lol..

  6. How badly done.
    1. When sridevi is posing, the photographer should use her great ability to emote but not make her look like an expression less status.
    2. Since the top has so much design all else should have been in off-white including her pants and the sofa.
    3. Her makeup and hair style are not good and dont go with the rest of the look. They might have look good had she been posing for a campaign on nature distruction.

  7. She once mentioned in an interview tht she’s a huge fan of michael jackson… She’s prob starting to mimic him.. Or maybe adulation causes resemblance !!! Scary :/

  8. This may just win the prize for worst photo shop job ever
    I’m not even sure what the intention with the photoshopping was but oh dear me!

  9. ha!hah! Ha!hahha! ha!ha!ha! Great team work at display here. Editorial, makeup, styling, photography all in sync in producing the joke of the year!


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