A Brownout

Comment image 35

The usually fab Sri was looking anything but at the mahurat of Telugu movie Appalraju. The monochromatic look was bad enough already and it didn’t help that the top was much too snug and the slip-on sandals a total mismatch for the look.

Let”s hope she doesn’t get in another Match-Much phase.

Sridevi at Appalraju Mahurat Shot

Photo Credit: Ragalahari

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  1. I dont mind the top or the sandals.
    but instead of that color trouser it shuld have been a dark blue one or a black one.
    I dont dig the earings also, they are too big & thick for her.

    I think sridevi should sometimes wear chudidhars, she will look lovely in them.

  2. she’s 47 (acc to google etc) — and WOW! would rather have this boring appearance than the bosom-busting leger look she did for queenie’s show.

  3. Maybe black pants would have been better, but still i don’t actually mind what she is wearing..and am kinda liking the footwear a lot.. the only thing weird is the bag..!!

  4. wow! she looks stunning. never mind the outfit and shoes – she pulls them off and i still marvel at how awesome she looks for her age! btw, those are Old Navy pants! i have the same pair! 🙂

    • Yeh, and they actually aren’t that heavy usually right?

      Other than that, and the ‘dull’ness of the look…I think she looks quite pretty actually

      @arpitha…yeh, I would like to see her in churidars too…

  5. A bosom that bosomy
    Mes amies
    You see
    Is not made for a snug tee
    As Ms De
    said once in her heyday
    But not lusty”

    Seriosuly women of the world – your globes deserve more attractive draping than a material intended for nerdy boys to demonstrate their coolness on.

  6. Hey there HHC girls

    I took the pains to write a poem. It was light hearted. Not like evil. The Ms De quote was genuine, it appeared in respectable TOI.

    But still censored!

    Should all comments be on the lines of “her hair is too black” and “she looks great”?!

  7. i think u guys are getting too critical this time.. she looks great! the bag and shoes break the monotony and the monochrome elongates her body. She’s got her basics right.

  8. Heard RGV was hospitalized seeing the gods most precious creation at his fucntion.. just kidding..she is a a truly looking fab with her body matching those big tops..n guys will she ever age….

  9. I’m with you on this one..As stunning as Sri is…the top is a bit snug..I’m not liking it…killer figure but doesn’t do much for me either..

  10. Killer figure and all but ehhh…..maybe paired with a nice shade of blue jeans ( not that slim fit..whats everyone’s obsession with slim fit jeans these days?? – a well fitted boot cut will look soo good on her!) top needs to be a size higher..a nicer bag and different shoes….

  11. She still has the same innocence on her face. Mmmm too much of hue and cry about her neck deep top….not here but on other forums…its has become a hot topic but why? Its just normal …sometimes cleavage does show for anyone then why make an issue out of it?


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