In Nisshk

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We’ve always maintained that Nishka’s Spring Summer collection was way too tweensy for us and seeing it on Soniya only reinforces that fact. Don’t get us wrong, we aren’t saying Soniya looks bad, in fact, she actually pulls the cutesy look off rather well. Like we said, before, it’s just not our thing. 🙂


Left: Nisshk, Spring/Summer 2010
Right: Soniya Mehra at Nishka Lulla Collection Preview at Samsaara

Photo Credit: Viral Bhayani

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  1. i think she looks fab,very Marc jacobs esque,
    one of the rare good looks on HHC,refreshing to see someone look good once in a while !

  2. loving this dress, obviously it is made for women like this, every designer has a catergory of women in mind when creating outfits.

  3. Common Payal, I mean if cutesy thing is not your’ll tyype then how can you vouch for Dia Mirza’s look all the time. To me she always dresses up like a teen. Dont be so Biased.

    For this dress I think its wonderful, she pulls off this dress very well and its perfect for summer. And i jus loove that hair accessory

    • MANGOgrl,
      To me Dia has a girly face but doesn’t always wear tween-sy clothes. In this case, the dress itself is one. 🙂

      • yes i agree… dia has a girly face but wears very lady like clothes.. and thats y it looks so good.. cause her face, body everything has a very delicate look!
        i agree with you payal!

      • but again payal, to say “its just not our thing” just coz u girls are not teenagers anymore is being unjust to the designer. it wud be like me saying all the sari looks featured here do not blow me away, coz i cant see myself wearing a sari yet.

  4. she looks so adorable love this dress! her tweet said ‘feel very Blair Waldorf’. Twitter stalker! i think somebody should feed her though shes tiny

  5. i loved this collection by Nishka .. i think shes is even designing for the teenage clientile for a change n shes doing a good job at it..the dresses look quite innocent with the young girly feel without trying too hard..n soniya is carrying out this outfit really well.

  6. I’m no fan of uber-cutesy fluff clothes, but she looks freakin’ adorable. My one minor quip is the color/style of her shoes, but I’m too in awe of her hair to really care.


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