Photoshoot Wars

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Every now and then, we’ll see outfits that are featured in multiple photoshoots. The latest one being this YSL black gown first seen on Sonam on the cover of Marie Claire last month and now on Lara in Harper’s Bazaar.

Most of y’all loved the Sonam pic, question is, do you feel the same amount of love for Lara’s?

Left: Sonam Kapoor on Marie Claire, Jun 2011
Right: Lara Dutta in Harper’s Bazaar, Jul-Aug 2011

Photo Credit: Marie Claire, BollyOne

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  1. Lara looks stunning. She’s working the outfit so beautifully. While there is an aura of class that always surrounds Lara, she’s also adding an edge to this look. The entire cover spread is absolutely sexy! Frankly I like the look far more on Lara than on Sonam

  2. I’ll sound like my ammamma, but i’ll say this- what kind of clothes are those? They look like rags. Neither graceful nor edgy.

  3. wow @ Lara…. How hot she looks!! This outfit simply belongs to her, not to Sonam!! Her hair too looks so well done for this outfit and mood

  4. Okay, so 1. I do like Sonam’s attitude, a change from her all-smiles photoshoots. BUT 2. cracks me up everytime when I see the bad photoshopping: check the contours of her side right under her arm- can u see the photoshopping error? haha.

  5. I am one of the few who chooses Sonam over Lara! Sonam wears it with class and statue-esque like she always does. Lara just turns this beautiful dress into bleh.


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